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Binary protocol specs for clojure


[bytegeist "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]

Current goals

  1. Define the binary encoding of any protocol using plain data
  2. Simply define multiple versions of a protocol without duplication or extra programming
  3. Protobuf without code generation
  4. Support NIO ByteBuffer, Netty ByteBuf and InputStream/OutputStream
  5. Enable extensions for custom types and I/O
  6. Fast


The tests contain the most updated examples.

Skazka (Kafka proxy) implements some of the kafka protocol.

Reading and writing simple data:

(require '[bytegeist.bytegeist :as g])
(import '(io.netty.buffer ByteBuf Unpooled))
(def b (Unpooled/buffer))

;; Just an integer
(g/write :int32 b 2020)
(g/read :int32 b)
;=> 2020

;; A length-delimited string, first 2 bytes hold the length
(def username [:string {:length :short}])

(g/write username b "byteme72")
(g/read username b)
;=> "byteme72"


;; A map with predefined fields
(def user [:map
           [:username [:string {:length :short}]]
           [:year :int32]])
;; Or reuse previously defined types and also compile the spec once
(def user (g/spec [:map
                   [:username username]
                   [:year :int32]]))

(g/write user b {:username "byteme72"
                 :year 2020})
(g/read user b)
;=> {:username "byteme72", :year 2020}

Inline map inside its parent:

;; A message where the header has multiple versions
(def message
   [:header {:inline true}
    [:multi {:dispatch :version}
     [0 [:map [:version :short] [:h1 :int32]]]
     [1 [:map [:version :short] [:h1 :uvarint32] [:h2 :bool]]]]]
   [:data [:string {:length :int32}]]])

(g/write message b {:version 0 :h1 123 :data "old"})
(g/write message b {:version 1 :h1 123 :h2 true :data "new"})

(g/read message b)
=> {:version 0, :h1 123, :data "old"}
(g/read message b)
=> {:version 1, :h1 123, :h2 true, :data "new"}


;; Map-of int to bytes, prefixed by the number of fields
(def tagged-fields
  (let [tag :uvarint32
        data [:bytes {:length :uvarint32}]]
    [:map-of {:length :uvarint32} tag data]))

(g/write tagged-fields b {0 (.getBytes "hello")
                          1 (byte-array 10000)})
(g/read tagged-fields b)
;=> {0 #object["[B" 0x667e83eb "[B@667e83eb"], 1 #object["[B" 0xed01c80 "[B@ed01c80"]}

Multi spec

You can select a spec at runtime according to any field, as long as all fields up to, and including that field, are the same.

(def person
  [:multi {:dispatch :type}
     [:type [:string {:length :short}]]
     [:grade :short]]]
     [:type [:string {:length :short}]]
     [:salary :int]]]])

(g/write person buf {:type "employee"
                     :salary 99999})

(g/write person buf {:type "student"
                     :grade 100})

(g/read person buf)
; => {:type "employee", :salary 99999}
(g/read person buf)
; => {:type "student", :grade 100}

Dispatch on multiple fields, with a function of those fields to determine the dispatch value:

(def message
  [:multi {:dispatch [:type :version]
           :dispatch-fn (fn [[t v]] [(keyword t) (if (> v 2) :new :old)])}
   [[:produce :old]
     [:type [:string {:length :short}]]
     [:version :short]
     [:data [:string {:length :int}]]]]
   [[:produce :new]
     [:type [:string {:length :short}]]
     [:version :short]
     [:client-id [:string {:length :uvarint32}]] ; A new field in versions 3 and up
     [:data [:string {:length :uvarint32}]]]]
   [[:fetch :old]
     [:type [:string {:length :short}]]
     [:version :short]
     [:partitions [:vector {:length :uvarint32} :uvarint32]]]]])

(g/write message buf {:type "produce"
                      :version 3
                      :client-id "test client"
                      :data "test data"})

(g/read message buf)
; => {:type "produce", :version 3, :client-id "test client", :data "test data"}

Built-in types

:bool :boolean :byte :int16 :short :int24 :int32 :int :int64 :long :double :float :ubyte :uint32 :uvarint32 :map :map-of :vector :tuple :string :bytes :multi


Metosin/malli defines the schema notation bytegeist adopted.

Funcool/octet was used before bytegeist.

YourKit supports open source projects with innovative and intelligent tools for monitoring and profiling Java applications. YourKit is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler.


Copyright © 2020 Yonatan Elhanan

Distributed under the MIT License