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Create Basic AKS Cluster

Estimated Duration: 30 minutes

This exercise will cover deployment of a basic AKS cluster. This will be use as the basis for most subsequent exercises.

NOTE: You need to fulfill these requirements to complete this exercise.

  1. Select the region closest to your location. You can use eastus2 for United States workshops, westeurope for European workshops. Other regions include: eastus, westus, canadacentral, westeurope, centralindia, australiaeast

  2. Set your initials.

  3. Define global variables (adjust location value accordingly)


Create resource group

  1. Create Resource Group.

    az group create --location $LOCATION \
                    --resource-group $RG

Create Azure Container Registry (ACR)

ACR will be used in subsequent labs

az acr create -n $ACR_NAME -g $RG --sku Standard

Create basic AKS cluster using Azure CLI

  1. Define variables for AKS cluster.

    echo "AKS Cluster Name: $CLUSTER_NAME"
  2. Create a simple AKS cluster with 2 nodes, attaching ACR and using a specific kubernetes version:

    az aks create --name $CLUSTER_NAME \
                  --resource-group $RG \
                  --generate-ssh-keys \
                  --node-count 2 \
                  --attach-acr $ACR_NAME \
                  --kubernetes-version $KUBERNETES_VERSION

    NOTE: The creation process will take 5-10 minutes.

  3. Once complete, connect the cluster to your local client machine.

    az aks get-credentials --name $CLUSTER_NAME \
                           --resource-group $RG
  4. Confirm the connection to the cluster.

    kubectl get nodes

Create a new Deployment

The manifests/aks-helloworld-basic.yaml file contains a Deployment manifest.

  1. Run the following commands to create a namespace and deploy hello world application:

    kubectl create namespace helloworld
    kubectl apply -f manifests/aks-helloworld-basic.yaml -n helloworld
  2. Run the following command to verify deployment and service has been created. Re-run command until pod shows a STATUS of Running and EXTERNAL-IP of the service shows a value.

    kubectl get all -n helloworld
  3. Copy the external IP value or use this command to save it into a variable:

    EXTERNAL_IP=$(kubectl get svc aks-helloworld -n helloworld -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
  4. Run curl command to confirm the service is reachable on that address:

    curl -L http://$EXTERNAL_IP