- Easy access
- Dataset intro & Download: http://fcon_1000.projects.nitrc.org/indi/pro/nki.html
- 207 subjects, aged 4-85 years, male/female: 120/87, right-handed/others: 179/28.
- 204 subjects had T1 scans (Note that some subjects had a T1 protocol of MPRAGE SHORTER), 207 subjects had REST scans, 205 subjects had DWI scans. Some subjects had two scans but the cause was unknown.
- T1 parameters: field=3T, voxel size=1x1x1mm^3, FOV=256mm.
- REST parameters: field=3T,voxel size=3x3x3.3mm^3,FOV=216mm,TR=2500ms,260 volumes.
- DWI parameters: field=3T,voxel size=2x2x2mm^3,FOV=256mm,b-value=1000s/mm^2,directions=60.
- Also include field map, T2 and PD scans, and neuropsychological test data.