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Officers at Time of Ratification

  • Archon: Cynthia Wu
  • Vice President of Internal Affairs: Nori Melville
  • Vice President of External Affairs: Beatrix Malay
  • Treasurer: Regan O'Callaghan
  • House Manager: Janna Moussiere
  • Secretary: violet Lu

Article I: The Bylaws

Section 1: Definition

  1. The following shall be known as the bylaws of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, Epsilon Iota Chapter.

Section 2: Adoption

  1. These bylaws adopted January 6, 2025 shall replace all previous bylaws and amendments of the Chapter.

Section 3: Enactment

  1. Ratification of the bylaws shall be by a Class B vote. Bylaws may be changed by amendment or by bylaw convention.
  2. In case of dispute, the J-Board shall interpret the bylaws.
  3. A willful disobedience of these bylaws is grounds for fine or disciplinary action at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
  4. All Chapter policies that are not amendments are only valid for one year.
  5. A bylaw may be suspended by a Class A vote, for a time period (specified in the motion) no greater than one (1) year.

Section 4: Amendments

  1. All motions of amendment must be in writing and seconded by two active members.
  2. After the motion is made at a Chapter meeting, one (1) week shall pass before voting on the motion.
  3. The motion must be ratified by a Class B vote.

Section 5: Chapter Policy

  1. Chapter policies will cease to be in effect one year after their passing.
  2. In the event of a conflict between chapter policy and bylaws, the bylaws take precedent.
  3. After a chapter policy expires, it cannot become a chapter policy again for the next three years without revision. It must either become an amendment by a Class B vote, be revised and made chapter policy again, or not be in effect.
  4. All motions of chapter policy must be in writing and seconded by an active member.
  5. After the motion is made at a Chapter meeting, one (1) week shall pass before voting on the motion.
  6. The motion must be ratified by a Class A vote.

Article II: Voting

Section 1: Franchisement

  1. Only active brothers are allowed to vote

Section 2: Vote classes

  1. Class A - At least half of voting pool in favor.
  2. Class B - At least two-thirds of voting pool in favor,
  3. Class C - At least ninety percent of voting pool in favor.
  4. Class E - Majority of the executive board members. The six official executive board positions comprise the voting members; if multiple brothers share an executive board position, shares of the vote will be evenly split between any brothers that share a position.
  5. Class J - At least three members of the Judicial Board.
  6. Class XJ - Two-thirds majority of non-Judicial Board members.

Brief Summary of Vote Classes

Class Description Incomplete List
A Routine decisions requiring a simple majority Approving appointed positions, chapter policies, impeaching officers, approving room and board budgets, suspending bylaws, extending bids
B Permanent decisions requiring a super-majority Changing an arbitrary vote class, brother vote, reinstating a suspended brother, ratifying J-Board's decision to reinstate an expelled brother, allowing non-members to live in-house
C High-Stakes decisions requiring near-unanimous approval Expelling a brother
E Emergency decisions and routine implementation of chapter resolutions Granting alumni status to an active member
J Judicial rulings, constitutional interpretation, and disciplinary actions Changing an active member to inactive status (and vice versa), levying fines for non-attendance
XJ Overturning J-Board decisions, including appeals to disciplinary actions abstaining a J-Board representative

Section 3: Voting on motions

  1. The vote class for any motion not specified elsewhere in these bylaws will be at the discretion of the Archon who is advised to consult Roberts Rules. The Archon can be made to change the vote class of a motion by a class B vote. If this occurs several times each new vote class must be unique.
  2. All voting members can vote in the affirmative, the negative, or abstain from voting
  3. A present member who does not vote in the affirmative, negative, or abstain will have failed to vote.
  4. Fractional votes, should they exist, do not round or truncate.
  5. The brother running the vote may vote on the motion at any time prior to the announcement of the results.
  6. If a voting member cannot be present to vote on a motion they may tell their vote to the archon in advance or empower another brother to vote on their behalf.
  7. Anyone not present for a vote, that was motioned at a previous meeting and announced to the brotherhood within 24 hours of said meeting, and again 24 hours prior to the vote, who has failed to proxy vote or empower somebody to vote on their behalf, will have failed to vote.
  8. The vote of brothers who fail to vote are removed from the voting pool.
  9. If at least a quarter of possible votes are removed through failure to vote, the motion is postponed until the following meeting.

Article III: Meetings

Section 1: General

  1. Regular Chapter meetings shall be held once a week during the fall-spring school year, subject to the discretion of the Archon.
  2. Meetings shall be run according to the general format described in Robert’s Rules of Order (revised), subject to the discretion of the President.
  3. Special meetings may be called at the written request of five (5) members or at the call of the Archon.

Section 2: Attendance

  1. Inactive, honorary, and alumni brothers may attend any meetings, but may not vote.
  2. No non-members may be present at a Chapter meeting while it is in session.
  3. Quorum: two-thirds (2/3) of the active brotherhood must be present at a Chapter meeting to vote on any business.
  4. Attendance at Chapter meetings and rush functions is mandatory of the active brotherhood.
  5. Attendance shall be excused by a satisfactory excuse submitted to the Archon prior to the meeting.
  6. Any brother absent from a regular meeting or rush function without an excuse shall be fined fifteen (15) dollars, at the discretion of the Archon, to be collected by the Treasurer.
  7. Tardiness to regular meetings is cause for a fine of fifteen (15) dollars to be imposed at the discretion of the Archon.
  8. The Archon shall grant the validity of an excuse.

Article IV: Membership

Section 1: Organization

  1. There are seven mutually exclusive categories of membership
    1. Pledge
    2. Active
    3. Excused
    4. Inactive
    5. Alumni
    6. Honorary.
  2. Each brother will receive an “EI number,” given in alphabetical and numerical order within each pledge class at Initiation.
  3. Each non-pledge member of the EI Chapter and our Fraternity will be a “brother,” regardless of gender.

Section 2: Pledge Membership

  1. Candidates for pledge membership must be registered students of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).
  2. Candidates must not be members of any other college social fraternal organizations.
  3. The name of any candidates for pledging may be brought before the Chapter any number of times, but only once at each Chapter meeting.
  4. For a candidate to receive a bid, the proposal must pass a Class A vote.
  5. A depledged member may repledge upon approval by a Class A vote.

Section 3: Active Membership

  1. An active member has the rights of voting and house use, in addition to the corresponding responsibilities of; holding an office, required attendance of meetings and rush functions, and others expected of him by the active brotherhood.
  2. Active members must have finished the Fraternity Education Program.
  3. Active members must fulfill academic requirements outlined in the scholarship policy (Article XII).
  4. Member must be a student of RPI.
  5. Initiation of a pledge into the brotherhood shall be determined by a Class B vote during the Chapter meeting prior to pre-Initiation Week.
  6. Member must have paid their International dues and Chapter social dues.

Section 4: Inactive Membership

  1. An inactive member has neither rights nor the responsibilities of an active member.
  2. An inactive member must be a student of RPI, a member of the EI chapter.
  3. A member may become inactive by a Class J vote. An inactive member may return to active status by a Class J vote.

Section 5: Alumni Membership

  1. An Alumni member has neither rights nor the responsibilities of an active member.
  2. A member of the EI chapter who falls under the jurisdiction of the alumni council and is not an undergraduate brother is considered an alumnus.
  3. All non-pledge members shall automatically become alumni members upon termination of their studies from RPI.
  4. Undergraduate non-pledge members have the option of becoming alumni members upon termination of full time undergraduate studies at RPI.
  5. An undergraduate member may become an alumnus/alumna by petitioning the executive council. The executive committee may grant the petition by a Class E vote.
  6. An Alumni member who studies at RPI may return to the status they held upon their initial termination of studies or becoming an alumnus/alumna. An alumni member must simply announce their intentions to return to the status they previous held during a Chapter meeting, and thereby are restored to said status.

Section 6: Honorary Membership

  1. At the brotherhood’s approval, anyone may become an honorary brother.
  2. Proposal and vote for honorary membership shall follow the same procedure as that for giving out a bid (See Article IV, Section 2, 3-4)
  3. Honorary Brother proposals are voted on and executed in the same manner as pledge initiation (See Article IV, Section 3, 5).
  4. Honorary Members are not required to pay dues.

Section 7: Excused Membership

  1. An excused member is a member in good faith who has opted to become excused and therefore has no responsibilities and limited rights of an active member.
  2. Members who participate in the RPI co-op program, or who take a temporary leave from RPI, are considered excused.
  3. Excused members may not vote or hold office. However, excused members may run in elections when the term they take office is after they return to RPI.
  4. To return to active status, an excused member must petition the Judicial Board who must approve by a Class J vote.

Article V: Officers, Elections, Duties, and Powers

Section 1: List of House Offices

Subsection A: List

  1. Executive Committee
    1. Archon
    2. Vice President of Internal Affairs
    3. Vice President of External Affairs
    4. Treasurer
    5. House Manager
    6. Secretary
  2. Major House Offices
    1. Rush Chairman
    2. Social Chairman
    3. Steward
  3. Minor House Offices
    1. Scholarship Chairman
    2. Philanthropy Chairman
    3. Archivist
    4. Alumni/Co-op Secretary
    5. Pledge Educator
    6. Risk Manager
    7. Network Administrator
    8. Faculty Correspondent
    9. Member Wellness Chairman
  4. Appointed House Offices
    1. Summer House Manager
    2. Summer Treasurer
    3. Songleader
    4. Network Administrator
  5. Judicial Committee
    1. Chief Representative
    2. Senior Representative
    3. Junior Representative
    4. Sophomore Representative
    5. General Representative

Subsection B: Categorization and Caveats

  1. All House Officers may appoint an assistant.
  2. All the offices under "Executive Committee" and "Major House Offices" are considered Major Offices. All others are considered Minor Offices.

Section 2: Elections and Appointments

Subsection A: General

  1. The candidate who receives the most votes under an approval vote shall be elected.
  2. Election days shall be determined by the Archon. Election of the Major Offices must be in November or December.
  3. Election shall occur at least two weeks before the end of the Spring semester.
    1. Elections for Second Angelos and Social Chair will instead occur at least two weeks before the end of the fall semester
    2. Elections for the judicial board shall occur within the first three weeks of each semester.
  4. Each officer will serve for one year or until the next election.
  5. New officers take office at the Chapter meeting after they are elected or at the first Chapter meeting of the next semester; to be determined by the Archon.
  6. Nominations must be made at a meeting one (1) week prior to elections. The Secretary shall post a list of nominees for the week previous to the elections.
  7. The Secretary shall post the names of the successful candidates for at least one week.
  8. A brother may not hold more than one major office, unless the number of major offices is greater than the numerical size of the Chapter.
  9. Only active brothers are allowed to hold an office. Excused members are allowed to run for office provided that their return to active status will be before their term is to begin.

Subsection B: Voting in Elections

  1. Elections are run using approval voting. As such all voters may vote for any number of candidates including all or none of them.
  2. The chair of an election may vote at any time prior to the announcement of the results of the vote.
  3. All candidates are assumed to vote for themselves and only themselves unless they specify otherwise.
  4. If a voting member cannot be present to vote in an election they may tell their vote to the archon in advance or empower another brother to vote on their behalf.
  5. Anyone not present for a vote who has failed to do either of the above is assumed to vote for all candidates.
  6. Fractional votes should they exist do not round or truncate.
  7. The winner is the candidate who receives at least one more vote than all other candidates and a majority of the voting pool.
  8. If an election does not produce a winner because the candidate with the most points does not have a one vote lead, all candidates with at least one vote less than the candidate with the most votes will be removed from the election and after discussion the vote will be held again. If this vote again fails to determine a winner, the election will be postponed until the following week, at which point a runoff election will be held according to rules outlined in the following section following a round of speeches by the candidates.
  9. If an election fails to produce a winner because no candidate has received at least half of all the voting pool, the vote will be recounted following a round of discussion. If this vote also fails to find a majority, the candidates will be brought back into the room, a new list of nominees created from scratch, and the election held the following week.

Subsection C: Voting in Run-off Elections

  1. Run-off election use a plurality voting. Voters may only vote for one candidate.
  2. The chair of an election may vote at any time prior to the announcement of the results of the vote.
  3. All candidates are assumed to vote for themselves unless they specify otherwise.
  4. If a voting member cannot be present to vote in an election they may tell their vote to the archon in advance or empower another brother to vote on their behalf.
  5. Anyone not present for a vote who has failed to do either of the above is assumed to have abstained.
  6. Fractional votes should they exist do not round or truncate.
  7. The winner is the candidate who receives at least one more vote than all other candidates.
  8. If a runoff election fails to find a winner a new runoff will be held following a discussion period.

Subsection D: Appointed Positions

  1. All appointed positions must be appointed by the President and approved by a Class A vote.
  2. Appointed officers may be dismissed at the discretion of the Archon.

Subsection E: Judicial Board

  1. An approval vote taken from among the brothers who are in a certain class at RPI, as determined by number of years in university study, shall be required to elect a class-specific Judicial Board representative.
  2. An approval vote taken from the brotherhood is necessary for the election of a non-class-specific Judicial Board representative.
  3. Election of Judicial Committee representatives shall be held within two weeks of initiation.
  4. Each representative on the Judicial Committee shall serve for one semester or until the next election
  5. The Archon or Vice President may not hold a Judicial Board position. Should a Judicial Board Representative be elected Archon or Vice-President, an election shall be held according to their position on the Judicial Board to replace them.
  6. If at the time of election there are no members in a given class, a general representative shall be elceted to fill the spot.

Section 3: Impeachment

  1. To impeach an officer requires a Class A vote.

Section 4: Implicit Responsibility

  1. The officers are ranked according to the order they are listed in Article V, Section 1.
  2. The most senior ranking officer present in the Chapter House is ultimately responsible for all domestic activity.

Section 5: Powers and Duties


  1. Shall preside over chapter meetings.
  2. Shall have the power to call special meetings.
  3. Shall have the power to limit debate on any motion under discussion.
  4. Shall represent the Epsilon Iota Chapter to all external interests.
  5. Shall be responsible for providing paperwork to the international office of Psi Upsilon
  6. Shall have the power to appoint any interim officers.
  7. Shall have the power to create any ad-hoc committees and appoint chairmen.
  8. Shall be tasked with ensuring other officers are performing their duties and have the resources they need to be effective
  9. Shall submit a written report to the Chapter at the end of their term with recommendations concerning the welfare of the Chapter.
  10. Shall chair the Executive Committee.

Vice-President of Internal Affairs

  1. Shall perform all duties of the Archon in the event of the Archon’s absence.
  2. Shall serve as a neutral arbiter and work to resolve conflicts between brothers.
  3. Shall be responsible for keeping order at Chapter meetings.
  4. Shall by request of the Archon, remove an individual deemed to be disorderly at a Chapter meeting
  5. Shall organize Initiation Week activities.
  6. Shall organize fundraising activities.
  7. Shall submit a written report to the Chapter at the end of their term concerning the welfare and direction of the Chapter.

Vice-President of External Affairs

  1. Shall complete and submit the 5 Star Standards Accreditation and Awards of Excellence packet for the Chapter each year.
  2. Shall attend all IFC meetings
  3. Shall report to the Chapter all relevant events that occurred and information that was presented at all IFC meetings since the last Chapter meeting.
  4. Shall oversee and coordinate all matters pertaining to the external affairs of the chapter.
  5. Shall be responsible for organizing all sports and sports activities of the brotherhood.
  6. Shall be in charge of ordering all sportswear and Fraternity clothing.
  7. Shall submit a written report to the Chapter at the end of their term concerning the welfare and direction of the Chapter.
  8. Shall chair the External Affairs Committee.


  1. Shall keep financial records of the Chapter.
  2. Shall be responsible for the depositing of money and the writing of checks.
  3. Shall be responsible for the billing and collection of all accounts of the Chapter.
  4. Shall be responsible for the collection of all debt contracts, including leases, from all active members.
  5. Shall be responsible for the presentation of balance sheets, to be filed as a record of the Chapter, stating the financial position of the chapter as of September 15.
  6. Shall be responsible for distributing Chapter bills in accordance with Article VII, Section 4.
  7. Shall submit a written report to the Chapter at the end of their term concerning the welfare and direction of the Chapter.
  8. Shall chair the Finance Committee.

House Manager

  1. Shall be responsible for the upkeep and order of the House. This includes the assignment of jobs and work parties.
  2. Shall be responsible for all necessary repairs to the House. These shall be carried out by them or other brothers, or if necessary, with the permission of the Treasurer, some hired help.
  3. Shall be responsible for all supplies covered by the Chapter budget.
  4. Shall keep a logbook of all Chapter possessions of substantial value or necessity; recording information necessary for insurance.
  5. Shall be responsible for ensuring the House is in at least minimal compliance with RPI, city, county, state and federal health and safety regulations.
  6. Shall be the arbiter of room selection.
  7. Shall submit a written report to the Chapter of the operation of the Chapter during their term and make recommendations for the following year.
  8. Shall chair the House Committee.


  1. Shall take minutes of the Chapter meetings and Executive Committee meetings.
  2. Shall keep a continuing and permanent record of all meetings.
  3. Shall be responsible for maintaining the house office supplies.
  4. Shall track information regarding the houses attendance policy.
  5. Shall be Responsible for all correspondence other than that with Alumni or faculty.
  6. Shall be responsible for maintaining a calendar of chapter events.

Rush Chairman

  1. Shall be in charge of all matters pertaining to the recruitment of new members.
  2. Shall make all financial arrangements concerning rush, with the consent of the Treasurer.
  3. A budget shall be submitted to the Treasurer prior to the start of rush.
  4. Shall submit a written report to the Chapter at the end of their term concerning recommendations for the coming year.

Social Chairman

  1. Shall arrange all matters concerning social functions of the Chapter, including setup and cleanup at parties.
  2. Shall be responsible for the planning and execution of "3-3"
  3. Shall be exempt from all charges associated with attending "3-3"
  4. Shall make all financial arrangements pertaining to social functions, with the consent of the Treasurer.
  5. A rough budget shall be submitted to the Treasurer at the start of the semester.
  6. Shall submit a written report to the Chapter at the end of their term of office.
  7. Shall submit a financial report to the Chapter after each social function.


  1. Shall be responsible for the purchasing and management of all food, utensils, and cooking appliances for the Chapter.
  2. Shall manage sign-out.
  3. Shall ensure the house is always stocked with essential products (milk, bread, cheese, butter, toilet paper etc) to be provided to the brotherhood free of charge.
  4. Shall organize and execute the Psi Upsilon meal plan if there is a need to do so.
  5. Shall, when running the meal plan, endeavor to provide the means to allow the preparation of the best meals possible within the constraints of the requested meals and budget.
  6. Shall organize cooking schedules and menus.
  7. Shall be responsible for the upkeep of the kitchen facilities.

Scholarship Chairman

  1. Shall be tasked with the collection and organization of all Chapter files concerning academics.
  2. Shall be responsible for running study sessions for members of the chapter.
  3. Shall do their best to promote a general attitude of scholarship in the brotherhood.

Philanthropy Chairman

  1. Shall be responsible for the chapter’s public service events and philanthropic donations
  2. Shall submit a written report to the Chapter at the end of their term concerning the future of the Chapter.


  1. Shall maintain all chapter photographs and albums.
  2. Shall provide the alumni Archivist with photographs from the chapter for archival.
  3. Shall be responsible for the acquisition of new composites.
  4. Shall be responsible for providing continual member education through presentation given once monthly on the history and values of Psi Upsilon and the Epsilon Iota chapter.
  5. Shall maintain a written history of major chapter events.
  6. Shall maintain and organize the library.

Alumni/Co-op Secretary

  1. Shall edit and distribute the Chapter’s newsletter, “EI Material,” at least twice per academic year.
  2. Shall be responsible for all correspondence between the Alumni, excused members, and the undergraduate brotherhood.
  3. Shall attend Alumni Association meetings.
  4. Shall be responsible for reporting actions of the Alumni Association to the Chapter.
  5. Shall be responsible for all mailings to excused members, area alumni, alumni of other Chapters, and the Fraternity headquarters.

Pledge Educator

  1. Shall be responsible for the education of pledges previous to Initiation into the brotherhood.
  2. Shall report to the brotherhood as to the progress of the education as requested by the Archon.
  3. Shall chair the Pledge Education Committee.
  4. Shall implement a Fraternity Education program as designed by the Pledge Education Committee (see Article VI, Section 7) within 2 weeks of election.
  5. Shall submit an article on the status of the pledge class to the Alumni Secretary for the “EI Material” upon request.

Risk Manager

  1. Shall be responsible for suggested changes to the Chapter’s Alcohol Policy (see Article X) as state and local laws change and as the Chapter evolves.
  2. Shall be responsible for identifying any potential hazards within the Chapter House or at a Chapter event
  3. Shall monitor parties according to all Institute, State, Federal and Psi Upsilon International Fraternity policies.
  4. Shall be responsible for suggesting amendments to the Chapter’s Risk Management Program(See Article XI)
  5. Shall enforce the chapter’s risk management policies
  6. Shall ensure all members are properly trained in risk mitigation techniques by giving a presentation or similar programming by the end of rush every semester.
  7. Shall Chair the Risk Management Policy Committee.

Summer House Manager

  1. Shall maintain the chapter house and perform necessary repairs during the summer semester.
  2. Shall be responsible for the upkeep and order of the House. This includes the assignment of jobs and work parties during the summer semester.
  3. Shall be responsible for all necessary repairs to the House. These shall be carried out by them or other brothers, or if necessary, with the permission of the Summer Treasurer, some hired help during the summer semester.
  4. Shall be responsible for all supplies covered by the Chapter budget.
  5. Shall keep a logbook of all Chapter possessions of substantial value or necessity; recording information necessary for insurance during the summer semester.
  6. Shall be responsible for ensuring the House is in at least minimal compliance with RPI, city, county, state and federal health and safety regulations during the summer semester.

Summer Treasurer

  1. Shall be responsible for paying any bills that come due while the elected treasurer is not at RPI.
  2. Shall collect summer rent.
  3. Shall collect any payments paid during the time the elected treasurer is not at RPI.
  4. Shall attend and provide reports during the summer alumni meeting.


  1. Shall be responsible for the general upkeep of materials and education of Songs of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity to the chapter.

Network Administrator

  1. Shall be responsible for the general upkeep and maintenance of chapter computer networks, electronics, and other related materials.
  2. Shall maintain the chapter’s digital accounts, and ensure they are accessible by appropriate officers.
  3. Shall maintain the chapter website.
  4. Shall maintain the chapter mailing lists.
  5. Shall maintain and moderate the chapters primary method of internal communication.
  6. Shall maintain and moderate the chapter’s social media accounts.
  7. Shall maintain the chapter’s electronic document storage.
  • Items that shall be included:
    1. The public documents and work of all officers, including reports and transition documents
    2. Copies of all standing and recently expired policies
    3. Minutes for public meetings
    4. Scholarship backwork
    5. The chapter’s bylaws
    6. Current and past five star reports
    7. Contact information for brothers and relevant external parties
    8. Copies of document templates
  • Items that shall not be included:
    1. Information pertaining to the chapter’s secrets
    2. Personal debt contracts
    3. Grade information that identifies any individual
    4. Any documents that contain private/personal information (such as RINs, birth dates, addresses, health related information, etc) without the consent of the individual
    5. Documents that could be used to deduce personal information not present in the records

Faculty Correspondent

  1. Shall ensure our faculty advisor is informed about relevant activities.
  2. Shall be responsible for all communications with the faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
  3. Shall run events which develop positive relations with the faculty.
  4. Shall submit a written report at the end of the semester with recommendations for the future.
  5. Shall be a member of external relations committee

Member Wellness Chairman

  1. Shall maintain a collection of mental health resources and guides for accessing them.
  2. Shall educate brothers on how to manage or help others manage a mental health crisis.
  3. Shall not be required nor expected to personally manage the acute mental health crisis of a brother as a duty of this office.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chairman

  1. Shall serve as a point of contact for brothers who have questions and concerns about diversity and inclusion.
  2. Shall organize and run a semesterly training to educate brothers on understanding and addressing issues related to bias, discrimination, and privilege.
  3. Shall regularly educate the brotherhood on information highlighting and celebrating various cultures and identities.

Article VI: Committees

Section 1: Executive Committee

  1. Shall be chaired by the Archon.
  2. Members shall be as described in Article V, Section 1, Subsection A.
  3. Shall act as a steering committee for the Chapter where policy decisions and future is discussed.
  4. Shall meet at least once every two (2) weeks, subject to the discretion of the Archon.
  5. May make decisions concerning the Chapter, which are valid until the next Chapter meeting at which point they must be brought to the attention of the brotherhood.

Section 2: Judicial Committee

  1. Shall represent the interests of the class year who elected them.
  2. Shall be chaired by the Chief Representative.
  3. Shall elect the Chief Representative from amongst themselves, by a class J vote.
  4. Shall act as judicial board for disciplinary action as deemed necessary.
  5. Has the power to levy fines and disciplinary action as deemed necessary.
  6. Shall be the final interpreters of the bylaws.
  7. Shall store case results and opinions on the chapter’s electronic storage system
  8. An appeal to the J-Board must be submitted by an active brother in writing
  9. Any appeal made to the J-Board may be dismissed without action if a unanimous Class J vote is made to dismiss the appeal.
  10. Shall submit an official decision in writing on all matters handled by the J-Board.
  11. Any decision made by the J-Board can be appealed, requiring a motion and two seconds, to the rest of the house. The appeal is successful if a Class XJ vote yields a two-thirds majority to overrule it. In this case, the decision is overturned.
  12. Any Judicial Board representative with vested interest in a Judicial Board decision can voluntarily abstain, or be made to abstain by a Class XJ vote, from the Judicial Board vote and decision.
  13. If the class J vote made to a resolve a Judicial Board decision is tied, the original result of the case is upheld. If not such result exists, the decision is left to the Archon.

Section 3: Community Relations Committee

  1. Shall be chaired by the Philanthropy Chair.
  2. Responsible for organizing community and public service projects.
  3. Responsible for the general public relations of the Chapter in the Community.

Section 4: Finance Committee

  1. Shall be chaired by the Treasurer.
  2. Responsible for preparing a budget for the following academic year.
  3. Should meet once a month or at the Treasurer’s discretion to review the Chapter’s financial status.

Section 5: Risk Management Policy Committee

  1. Shall be chaired by the Risk Manager.
  2. Members shall include the Archon and the Social Chairman.
  3. Responsible for suggesting changes to the Chapter’s Alcohol Policy (see Article X) as state and local laws change and the Chapter evolves.
  4. Shall monitor parties in accordance to the Alcohol Policy.

Section 6: House Committee

  1. Shall be chaired by the House Manager.
  2. Shall be responsible for major renovation of the current House.
  3. Shall meet before the end of the spring semester to determine renovations and cleaning needed to be completed prior to the fall semester.

Section 7: Pledge Education Committee

  1. Shall be chaired by the Pledge Educator.
  2. Shall be responsible for defining a Fraternity education program and help the Pledge Educator implement such a program.

Section 8: External Affairs Committee

  1. Shall be chaired by the Vice-President of External Affairs.
  2. Members shall include the Rush Chairman, the Social Chairman, the Philanthropy Chairman, the Alumni Secretary, and the Faculty Correspondent.
  3. Shall meet at least once every two (2) weeks.
  4. Responsible for compiling information from the Chapter to be used for the Chapter's Five Star submission.
  5. Shall ensure that the Philanthropy Chairman has the resources needed to conduct a charitable event involving external organizations.
  6. Shall ensure that the Social Chairman has the resources needed to organize social events with external organizations.
  7. Shall ensure that the Alumni Secretary is given all information that needs to be passed on to alumni.
  8. Shall ensure that the Chapter's recruitment is consistent with IFC regulations and policies.
  9. Shall ensure that all committee members are aware of important dates and deadlines from the IFC.
  10. Shall ensure that the planning and organization of events is coordinated between the Rush and Social Chairmen.

Section 9: Member Wellness Committee

  1. Shall be chaired by the member wellness chair
  2. Shall have as permanent members
    1. The Vice-president of Internal Affairs
    2. The Scholarship Chairman
  3. Shall be a closed meeting
  4. Shall work to identify worrying trends in members and determining methods of providing aid.
  5. Shall meet at the digression of the chair, with bi-weekly meeting recommended.

Section 10 Ad-hoc Committees

  1. Shall be chaired by the creator or an appointee of the Archon.
  2. Shall meet as directed by the chair or Archon, until the committee is no longer required.

Article VII: Finances

Section 1: Room and Board

Room and board shall be budgeted by the Treasurer and approved by a Class A vote in the spring before the end of the fiscal year. Room and Board shall be billed and paid on a semesterly basis, or the offending member may be removed from the house at the discretion of the Judicial Board by a Class J vote.

Section 2: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall begin and end yearly on the Thirtieth of June.

Section 3: Undergraduate Debt.

  1. A debt contract will be written up by the Treasurer at the beginning of the semester for each active brother, and will be affirmed by the Archon and the brother. The contract will detail sum of the amount of debt the brother has accrued plus the International and social dues of that semester. The brother will be responsible for the repayment of that amount as detailed below, or in a manner as agreed upon by the Treasurer and brother. The sum amount will not include the rent of brothers living in house.
  2. Brothers will be responsible for the payment of 4% or $40 (whichever is greater) of their total debt on the second Sunday of the month, for the first three full months of the semester (September, October, November, February, March, and April). Brothers will receive notice from the Treasurer during the first week of the month.
  3. Upon missing three or more payments during their active membership, there will be a fine assessed to the brother of $2 or 2% of their total debt, whichever is greater. The treasurer must inform the brother of charges before they are levied.
  4. If a brother misses two consecutive monthly payments privileges may be lost at the discretion of the Archon. Those recommended are voting and social privileges.
  5. Only RPI students or active brothers are allowed to accumulate debt. Exceptions may be granted by the Executive Committee.

Section 4: Alumni Debt

  1. Upon becoming an alumnus of the house, there will be a three month period during which no payment must be made. After that period a payment of $40 or 4% of your outstanding debt, whichever is greater, must be made on a monthly basis.
  2. For every month in a fiscal year in which there are three or more outstanding payments, a charge of $4 or 4% of the payment, whichever is greater, shall be levied for each outstanding payment. The Treasurer must obtain a written contract detailing the payment plan as quickly as possible.
  3. Bills to alumni that owe the house money will be sent out on a quarterly basis.
  4. Alumni that are still full time students fall under the payment rules that apply to undergraduates.

Section 5: Social Dues

  1. All active brothers shall pay social dues. Each brother shall pay the social dues whether they live in the house or not.

Section 6: Fines

  1. Fines concerning Chapter meetings are described in Article III, Section 6D,E.
  2. The fine for failing for perform a House Job shall be twenty (20) dollars at the discretion of the House Manager.
  3. Fines concerning damage to the house shall be levied by the House Manager, with agreement from the Archon.
  4. Fines shall be collected by the Treasurer and used to cover semesterly budget short-falls.

Section 7: Credits

  1. Credits may be awarded at the discretion of the House Manager upon the completion of work beyond that required by the normal duties of a brother.
  2. Credits may be applied against a brother’s outstanding debt, but are nonrefundable.

Section 8: Excess Moneys

  1. Excess moneys at the end of the fiscal year are nonrefundable unless approved by Finance Committee.
  2. Moneys remaining after the end of the fiscal year shall be put in short term accounts.

Section 9: Checks drawn against the Chapter Treasury

  1. All checks to be drawn against Chapter funds must be signed either by the Treasurer or Archon.
  2. All checks to be drawn against Chapter funds must be signed by at least two of the following officers: Archon, Vice President, Treasurer, where one of the signatures must be that of the Archon or Treasurer, if the amount of the check is equal to or greater than one hundred dollars ($100), unless said check will be used to cover outstanding debt incurred by the chapter in the normal course of operations, e.g. the power bill.
  3. Any check to be drawn against Chapter funds issued to the Treasurer or to the Archon must be signed by any two of the following officers: Archon, Vice President, Treasurer, regardless of amount.

Section 10: Social Chair 3-3 Exception

  1. The Social Chairman shall not have to pay their share of the Chapter’s “3-3” cost which they organize and oversee.

Section 11: Judicial Board Appeals

  1. Any brother may appeal to the Judicial Board for exemption from these rules by a Class J vote. If granted, no fine(s) will be levied.

Article VIII: Suspension and Expulsion

  1. Any member who has been reported as acting contrary to the interests of the Chapter shall, after due notice, be required to go before the Judicial Committee and answer to the charges against them. The Judicial Committee may impose a fine on the member if deemed necessary.
  2. Any member may be suspended or expelled by a Class C vote after two weeks of consideration by the brotherhood. A suspended or expelled member loses all rights and privileges of membership in the chapter.
  3. Any member who commits a felony while on Fraternity property, or while conducting Fraternity business may be subject to an immediate expulsion by a Class J vote.
  4. A person who has been suspended may return to their previously held status of membership following reactivation upon approval by a Class B vote.
  5. A person who has been expelled must petition the Judicial Committee for the return of active membership by a Class J vote. Following Judicial Committee’s approval they can regain active membership following a Class B vote.

Article IX: Housing

Section 1: Rules

  1. In order to afford the cost of the physical House, we must be able to ensure that it is occupied at an optimum capacity.
  2. Only active brothers are allowed to live in the House.
  3. Any member may live in the house with the approval of the brotherhood and the Alumni Board.
  4. Non-member boarders shall only be solicited to live in the House after a class B vote by the undergraduate brotherhood, and must subsequently be approved by the Alumni Association of the Epsilon Iota Chapter. No boarders shall be allowed to live in the House until both requirements are met.

Section 2: Required live-ins

The Archon is required to live in the House. The following must live in the House, after voluntary assignments, in order to achieve optimal occupancy:

  1. House Manager
  2. Steward
  3. Vice President of Internal Affairs
  4. Vice President of External Affairs
  5. Treasurer
  6. Secretary
  7. Remaining brothers by descending EI number.

Section 3: Room selection

The Archon shall have first preference in room selection. Preference then goes to the remaining brothers in order of ascending EI number.

Article X: Risk Management Program

Section 1: Statement

  1. This policy is formed such that the brothers of the Epsilon Iota Chapter of the Psi Upsilon fraternity will be able to go about their college careers without risk to themselves and others. These policies will fulfill this goal, while maintaining a friendly and happy brotherhood. The house will be a safe environment by promoting brother intervention.

Section 2: Risk Manager

  1. It is the responsibility of the Risk Manager to ensure that at the first house meeting of the semester with mandated potential new member attendance the chapter discusses all risk management policies we hold ourselves to for their continued relevance and practicality. This discussion should encompass a discussion on why this policy is important to organizations and to specifically this chapter. This discussion should encompass all tacit rules regarding alcohol and fraternity safety. This discussion should review recommended ways for the sober brother to handle possible situations.

Article XI: Psi Upsilon Scholarship Policy

Section 1: Statement

  1. As our chapter strives for academic excellence, each brother should endeavor to attain the highest possible academic standing. The chapter should always strive to go above and beyond other fraternal organizations, and each brother should be committed to supporting one another academically.

Section 2: Disclosed Information

  1. It is required that brothers inform the scholarship chair and the Archon of their current course schedule.
  2. It is required that brothers inform the scholarship chair of courses or topics they feel confident in acting as a tutor in.
  3. It is requested that brothers inform scholarship chair and the Archon of their GPA or sign a release form allowing Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to do so.
  4. It is requested that brothers, particularly those in probationary standing sign the release form.

Section 3: Standing

  1. A member with a cumulative GPA in excess of 3.5 will be considered to be in Exceptional academic standing.
  2. A member with a cumulative GPA between 2.7 and 3.5 will be in good academic standing.
  3. A member with a cumulative GPA between 2.5 and 2.7, or whose most recent semester indicates substantial decline (Scholarship Chair's discretion), will be on cautionary academic standing.
  4. A member with a cumulative GPA below 2.5, or whose most recent two semesters show a trend of substantial decline (Scholarship Chair's discretion), will be on probationary academic standing.
  5. If a brother could be classified into multiple standings the Scholarship chair shall resolve the conflict.

Section 4: Scholarship Plans

  1. Members on good academic standing or better may schedule a meeting with the scholarship chair to create an academic plan if they feel it would be beneficial.
  2. Members on cautionary academic standing must meet with the scholarship chair to determine if an academic plan is necessary, and create such a plan if it is deemed necessary by the scholarship chair.
  3. Members with probationary academic standing must meet with the scholarship chair and create a scholarship plan.
  4. Scholarship plans must include
    1. Check-ins every other week with the scholarship chair at a minimum.
  5. Scholarship plans may include
    1. Mandated study hours.
    2. Tutoring by other willing brothers.
    3. Social prohibition.
  6. To better enforce scholarship plans the scholarship chair will have the right to
    1. Retroactively excuse a brother from a required event.
    2. Excuse the relevant brother from required responsibilities.
    3. Prohibit the relevant brother from attending social events.
    4. Prohibit the relevant brother from consuming alcohol in the chapter house.
    5. Send an obstinate brother before the judicial board.

Section 5: GPA Requirements

  1. All members will be required to maintain a cumulative GPA above 2.0 and be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours, unless fewer than 12 credits are required to graduate.
  2. Major office must be in good academic standing or above. Any major officer who fall to a lower standing will be subject to a review by the member wellness committee for continued office.
  3. Minor officers or judicial board representatives must be in cautionary academic standing or above. Any such person who falls to probationary standing will be subject to a review by the member wellness committee for continued office.
  4. These requirements will be suspended in the event there are not enough eligible members to fill necessary positions.

Section 6: Rights of brothers

  1. All information regarding a member’s GPA Is to kept strictly confidential between the brother, the scholarship chair and the Archon. Breaches of this confidentiality will be subject to a judicial board review.
  2. Any brother who believes the scholarship chair is abusing their powers or has created an unreasonable academic plan may appeal to the Archon. The Archon may override the scholarship chair or, with the consent of the brother in question, bring the matter before the judicial board.

Section 7: Disciplinary Action

  1. A member placed on Academic Probation by the University may be subject to disciplinary action recommended by the Scholarship Chair or advisor to and determined by the Executive Committee, including:
  2. Suspension of social privileges.Loss of social privileges will be defined as disallowed attendance at Psi Upsilon registered parties (except 3-3 and Founder’s), and disallowed alcohol consumption in the house.
  3. Removal from Committee Chairmanship.
  4. Vacating elected office and prohibition from nomination for elected office.
  5. If a member fails to complete mandated study hours for a week without a valid excuse submitted to the Scholarship Chair they will be subject to disciplinary action recommended by the Scholarship Chair or advisor to and determined by the Executive Committee. If a member consistently fails to meet their mandated study hours their case will be presented to the Executive Committee to determine appropriate disciplinary action.

Section 8: Miscellaneous

  1. If the chapter has too few brothers to fill positions with the GPA requirement in place, the requirement shall be suspended until sufficient numbers are active.
  2. Pledges should be educated about this policy and what it entails prior to initiating.

Article XII: Epsilon Iota Member Involvement Policy

Section 1: Statement

The chapter can only thrive if its members work to maintain its functions. This requires continuous brother involvement with the house. Without brother involvement it is impossible to adequately perform vital functions like host a successful rush or pass motions. Thus it is imperative that those who do not choose to be involved be held to some account.

Section 2: Required Events

  1. All brothers are expected to attend all house meetings.
  2. All brothers are expected to perform their weekly house jobs and attend cleaning parties.
  3. All brothers with a position are expected to attend any associated committee meetings.
  4. All brothers are expected to attend some rush events, the exact number of which is to be determined at the start of a semester.
  5. All brothers are expected to attend all events and perform all duties they have agreed to in a clear and binding way. (dorm storming, philanthropy events, mandated study hours, being sober brother)
  6. All brothers are expected to attend all events and perform all reasonable duties determined to be mandatory by the Archon.
  7. If the rules outlined in this section conflict with those of section three, the Archon should determine if the event or duty in question is required. If no ruling is made the event should be considered required.

Section 3: Optional Events

  1. No brother is required to attend any informal event hosted by a brother as opposed to the house or some part of the house
  2. No brother is required to attend any brother building event
  3. No brother is required to go to any house social event or party
  4. No brother is required to go to any Rush or philanthropy event they have not agreed to attend.

Section 4: Valid Excuses

  1. A brother does not need to attend a required event if they are physically ill
  2. A brother does not need to attend a required event they have an important academic event such as a test.
  3. A brother does not need to attend a required event if they have a family emergency
  4. A brother does not need to attend a required event if they have some work that cannot be done at another time
  5. Other reasons approved of by the Archon prior to the event.

Section 5: Allotted Absences

  1. All brothers will start with 5 allotted absences at the start of the semester.
  2. If a brother fails to attend to a required event and does not have a valid excuse they will lose an allotted absence.
  3. If a brother is late to a required event, it will be at the discretion of the event organizer if that brother loses an allotted absence.
  4. The number of remaining allotted absences will be tracked by the Secretary.
  5. It is the responsibility of the brother running the required event to report the use of an allotted absence to the secretary.
  6. A brother may at any time ask the Secretary the number of allotted absences they have remaining form the semester.
  7. When a brother is reduced to 3 allotted absences remaining the Vice President of Internal Affairs will be informed and have an non punitive discussion with the brother and determine ways to improve attendance. If the brother in question is the Vice President of Internal Affairs, then the Archon will be informed. A second discussion will be held when the brother is reduced to 1 allotted absence.

Section 6: Enforcement

  1. If a brother would lose an allotted absence but has none remaining, then the Secretary will inform the judicial board of the brother’s name and missed events.
  2. The judicial board will then convene and invite the brother to explain their actions.
  3. If the brother is willing to work to improve their involvement, it is recommended that the judicial board be lenient and grant some small number of additional allotted absences.
  4. If the brother is unwilling or has returned for a second time it is recommended that the judicial board implement some moderate punitive action such as a prohibition on social events or attendance to mandatory study hours. Such effects should be in place until the brother has attended some number of consecutive events.
  5. In extreme cases it might be appropriate for the judicial board to restrict the voting rights of the offending brother or talk to the brother about going inactive.

Appendix 1: Vote class totals

Brothers Class A Class B Class C
8 5 6 8
9 6 6 9
10 6 7 9
11 6 8 10
12 7 8 11
13 7 9 12
14 8 10 13
15 8 10 14
16 9 11 15
17 9 12 16
18 10 12 17
19 10 13 18
20 11 14 18
21 11 14 19
22 12 15 20
23 12 16 21
24 13 16 22
25 13 17 23
26 14 18 24
27 14 18 25
28 15 19 26
29 15 20 27
def class_A(num): return math.floor(num/2) + 1
def class_B(num): return math.ceil(num * 2 / 3)
def class_C(num): return math.ceil(num * 9 / 10)