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User's Manual

The purpose of this document is to describe rules, gameplay and user interface of the platform for playing the board game Congo locally or over IPv4 network.



Congo is an abstract game (chess variant) popular in the Netherlands.

Board is a flat surface with specific pattern of squares, on which pieces are placed. Congo board contains $7 \times 7$ squares.

Rank is a horizontal row of squares on the board. Congo board has $7$ ranks, marked from $1$ to $7$.

File is a vertical column of squares on the board. Congo board has $7$ files, marked from $A$ to $G$.

Piece is any figure on the board used by the players to play the game.

Capture is an action when active player's move removes its opponent's piece from the board.

River is the middle $4$th rank of the board. Such squares have special behavior towards animal pieces, which is described in the next chapter.

Castle is a $3 \times 3$ square at each side of the board, namely squares $\lbrace C, D, E \rbrace \times \lbrace 1, 2, 3 \rbrace$ for black lion and $\lbrace C, D, E \rbrace \times \lbrace 5, 6, 7 \rbrace$ for white.

Congo FEN is a description of the immediate state of the Congo game in textual form. FEN abbreviation is borrowed from the well-known Forsyth-Edwards Notation for describing board position in chess. More on the subjects at Congo FEN.


Read this article to understand details about Congo rules and game flow. For more information regarding rules and other game implementations, please refer to the References. We further describe things relevant for the platform.

There are two competing players in the game, black denoted by black.png and white denoted by white.png. Players alternate turns, passing is not possible. Further, we describe the behavior of each piece and the aim of the game.

Picture Symbol Description
crocodile.png C,c Crocodile moves as the King in Chess standing on the ground. Outside the river it can slide straight towards the river (including the river square) as a rook if no pieces are standing on the path. Inside the river it can slide to another river square as a rook.
elephant.png E,e Elephant jumps one or two squares in the horizontal or vertical direction. It may jump over the nearest square (also river) and capture the piece on the next square.
giraffe.png G,g Giraffe performs non-capturing moves in any direction (as the chess King). It can move or capture two steps away in horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction.
lion.png L,l Lion is the King of the Jungle. It cannot leave its castle. Inside the castle, it moves and captures as the King in Chess. If there is a vertical or diagonal line with no pieces between the two lions, the lion may jump to the other lion and capture it.
monkey.png M,m Monkey moves as the King in Chess while not capturing. It captures a piece by jumping over it in any direction to the square immediately beyond, which must be vacant. A monkey may capture multiple pieces during the same turn, but is not obliged to do so. Monkey jump can be interrupted at any time. Once a monkey jumps over a piece, the piece immediately disappears. If a monkey starts multiple capture being at a river square and ends at any river square, it immediately drowns. If a monkey starts its jump on the ground and ends in the river or opposite, it is not drown. Captures before drowning are legal. The monkey captured opponent's Lion terminates the move and the game.
pawn.png P,p Pawn moves and captures both straight and diagonally forward. Being on the other side of the river, a pawn may also slide one or two squares straight back, without the right to capture or jump over pieces. If a pawn reaches the last opposite row, it is promoted to a superpawn.
super-pawn.png S,s Superpawn has the additional powers of moving and capturing one square straight sideways and going one or two square straight backwards or diagonally backward. When going backwards, it may neither capture nor jump. A superpawn can slide backwards standing at any square.
zebra.png Z,z Zebra moves as the Knight in classic chess.

The aim of the game is to win by capturing opponent's Lion as there could be only one King of the Jungle. The game immediately ends once a lion, either black or white, is captured. There is no chess-like check in Congo, a lion might move to an attacked square. Consequently, Congo has no draw by a stalemate.

A non-crocodile piece that ends its move standing on the river square must reach a ground square in the next turn, otherwise the piece disappears as being drown. Crocodiles cannot drown.

Congo FEN

Any Congo game can be encoded into a string with $9$ sections divided by a /, e.g. rank/rank/rank/rank/rank/rank/rank/color/jump.

First $7$ sections encode ranks. Squares are described from left to right. Digits indicate consequent empty squares, letters indicate pieces (see symbols in the table above).

$8$th section denote a color of the active player. White and black players are denoted by w and b respectively.

$9$th item describes a position, where monkey jump has started. The last field is set to $-1$ if monkey jump has not been started. Otherwise, there is a square number, from which monkey has started its jump. Squares are counted from left to right starting at the upper left corner towards the bottom, e.g. a7 has index $0$.

Standard board with white player's turn.


Board with plenty of moves.


$3$-long white monkey jump, white wins.


Terminal-based user interface

Congo.CLI is a terminal-based client application. The game is configured via arguments on application start. Options could have different sets of allowed values depending on the locality of the game. The order of options is not important.

Setting up

To start local game, use the following arguments:

  • --place decides locality of the game, local or network.
  • --game starts standard game or restores game from valid Congo FEN.
  • --white and --black value consists of two parts: kind of intelligence (ai or hi) and an algorithm for advising next move (currently random and negamax are supported). Computer player uses advising algorithm in each move.
Congo.CLI --place=local --game=standard --white=hi/negamax --black=ai/negamax

To start network game, use the following arguments:

  • --place has a meaning similar to the previous paragraph.
  • --host is an IPv4 address of the game server.
  • --port is an accepting port of the game server.
  • --game creates standard game or new game from valid Congo FEN or connects already existing game by id. The unique game id is generated by the server for all newly created standard and Congo FEN games.
  • --white or --black defines local player and its advising function.
Congo.CLI --place=network --host=localhost --port=7153 --game=standard --white=hi/negamax

Note that Server instance should be reachable on the network prior to creating network game. Otherwise, the program terminates.


Local games

Let's consider a gameplay for local games. A game is started with a text greeting the user. Current position on the board and players with summed up piece occupancies follow.

  / ___|___  _ __   __ _  ___
 | |   / _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _ \
 | |__| (_) | | | | (_| | (_) |
  \____\___/|_| |_|\__, |\___/

 7   g m e l e c z
 6   p p p p p p p
 5   - - - - - - -
 4   + + + + + + +
 3   - - - - - - -
 2   P P P P P P P
 1   G M E L E C Z

 /   a b c d e f g

 * white 2E 1Z 1G 1C 7P 0S 1L 1M
   black 2e 1z 1g 1c 7p 0s 1l 1m

 > _

The user interact with the interface by entering commands into command line. If the user attempts to enter unsupported command, the program properly informs the user.

 > unknown
 Command unknown is not supported. Consult "help help".

Currently $5$ commands are supported: advise, exit, help, move and show. All of them have man page, which is retrieved by help command.

 > help move
    Moves a certain piece from a square to a square.
    move [a-g][1-7] [a-g][1-7]

During the game, a player could print out current board, players or available moves via show command.

 > show board

 7   g m e l e c z
 6   p p p p p p p
 5   - - - - - - -
 4   + + + + + + +
 3   - - - - - - -
 2   P P P P P P P
 1   G M E L E C Z

 /   a b c d e f g

 > show players

 * white 2E 1Z 1G 1C 7P 0S 1L 1M
   black 2e 1z 1g 1c 7p 0s 1l 1m

 > show moves

 (a2,a3) (a2,b3) (b2,a3) (b2,b3) (b2,c3)
 (c2,b3) (c2,c3) (c2,d3) (d2,c3) (d2,d3)
 (d2,e3) (e2,d3) (e2,e3) (e2,f3) (f2,e3)
 (f2,f3) (f2,g3) (g2,f3) (g2,g3) (a1,a3)
 (a1,c3) (c1,c3) (e1,e3) (g1,f3)

Current player could move pieces using move command. ai players generate moves automatically and do not use move command. Any transition is additionally reported. New board position is shown immediately after the transition. Wrong moves made by the user are reported.

 > move a2 a3

 transition (a2,a3)

 7   g m e l e c z
 6   p p p p p p p
 5   - - - - - - -
 4   + + + + + + +
 3   P - - - - - -
 2   - P P P P P P
 1   G M E L E C Z

 /   a b c d e f g

 > move a1 b3
 Entered move is wrong. Consult "show moves".

Next move can be advised by the algorithm provided in the arguments. Currently random (random choice) and negamax (recursive method with evaluation function) are supported.

 > advise
 Advised move is (b1,a2).

The game is exited upon entering exit command.

 > exit
The program is terminated...

Network games

Games via the network have a similar gameplay, differences are described below.

Unique game identifier is generated by the server and reported immediately after the greeting message. Keep game identifier to access the game later.

  / ___|___  _ __   __ _  ___
 | |   / _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ _ \
 | |__| (_) | | | | (_| | (_) |
  \____\___/|_| |_|\__, |\___/

 network gameId 9

 7   g m e l e c z
 6   p p p p p p p
 5   - - - - - - -
 4   + + + + + + +
 3   - - - - - - -
 2   P P P P P P P
 1   G M E L E C Z

 /   a b c d e f g

 * white 2E 1Z 1G 1C 7P 0S 1L 1M
   black 2e 1z 1g 1c 7p 0s 1l 1m

Once active user makes a move, transition is reported and move is posted on the server. The program waits for a new game state until opponent makes its move.

 > move d2 d3

 transition (d2,d3)

 7   g m e l e c z
 6   p p p p p p p
 5   - - - - - - -
 4   + + + + + + +
 3   - - - P - - -
 2   P P P - P P P
 1   G M E L E C Z

 /   a b c d e f g


Due to a possible monkey jump, the opponent could make more than one move. All such moves are received from the server and properly reported.

 transitions (b1,d3) -> (d3,f5) -> (f5,f5)

Note that network game could be interrupted at any time. The same game could be repeatedly accessed by unique game identifier.

Graphical user interface

Congo.GUI is a WPF-based graphical client application.

Setting up

The Congo.GUI application starts as a window with empty board.


New game can be initialized using Local or Network popup. Both could be found in the Game menu.


For local game, the user decides a configuration and players.


For network game, the user decides connection parameters and configuration for the local player.


Save button serializes current game state (if available) as a Congo FEN string and copies it into system buffer. The user could paste it anywhere else by pressing Ctrl+V.

Reset button finalizes all relations (e.g. open connections) and reset the program into initial state with an empty board.

Exit button finalizes all relations and terminates the program.


Once the game is configured and set, all available pieces show up.


Active user (either black or white) is indicated by a red border around the corresponding rectangle.


Advice can be ordered by the user by pressing Advise button. The task is calculated within a parallel thread and main window does not hang. The advised move shows up next to the button.


Upper grey rectangle of the status panel contain the unique game identifier for the network game. The content of the text block can be copied to the system buffer upon MouseUp event on the element. Moves are stored in the list box, moves made by a remote player are synchronized. Winner is reported in the bottom text block of the status panel.


The user could select a tile with a friendly piece. Selected tile is highlighted by the white border, target tiles are highlighted with the red border. Clicking on unrelevant tiles does not have any effect on the game state.


The client communicates with the server on demand (new game is created, move is done, etc.) and cannot immediately recognize broken connection. Any problems related to the communication with the server are reported in the bottom text block with prefix gRPC error: StatusCode=.... The meaning of each status code is explained here.


The client communicates with the server in an asynchronous manner by passing messages back and forth. There is no session abstraction. Any user can connect and continue playing network game at any time. It could happen, that the user makes valid move on unsynchronized game. Such situations are detected and properly reported with Server response error: prefix.


The game effectively ends upon communication or synchronization error.

Buttons in the Control menu have rather special meaning.


Pause is enabled whenever the game is local and both players are Ai. The user could interrupt game flow and analyze position or copy current game state via Save button. The game flow is resumed by a repeated clicking.

Negamax is a recursive algorithm and could be time and resource heavy. To avoid waiting a result for too long, advising calculation could be cancelled via Cancel button. The program will select best known move or pick random.
