Every contribution is welcome. If not with the concrete pull request, then as:
- A mention on the social media
- Giving any kind of feedback on the communication channels
- A bug report on https://github.com/zmasek/shamrock/issues
- Make sure it's not a duplicate of a bug already reported
- Include operating system name and version, essentially, the environment you're running
- How to reproduce the bug in detail
- What were you trying to do
- What did you expect to happen
- Include screenshots if necessary
- Help us help you
- Fix existing bugs and implement new features
- Fork the repository
- Clone it locally
- cd into the repository
- pipenv install --dev (make sure that pipenv is installed on your system first)
- pipenv run pre-commit install
- If you want to test it from the environment: pipenv run python setup.py develop
- Make modifications
- pipenv run coverage run --source . tests && pipenv run coverage report -m
- It is easier if you keep commits isolated properly. It helps you get your PR merged
- Before making a pull request make sure:
- You have the docs updated
- The tests are added/changed if necessary
- The test pass successfuly
- You add yourself in the AUTHORS.rst as a contributor
- Push back and submit a pull request
- Do the same for expanding the documentation. A project is only as good as its documentation