From 5e767e354a1eea2e94a3f059d2cccd8a1a9c824b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: reneeb Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 13:48:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] add modules that are shipped with Znuny to list in Environment module --- Kernel/System/ | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/Kernel/System/ b/Kernel/System/ index 952f4dd1ef6..038d73c5a59 100644 --- a/Kernel/System/ +++ b/Kernel/System/ @@ -245,43 +245,83 @@ sub PerlInfoGet { parent Algorithm::Diff Apache::DBI + Apache2::Reload CGI + CGI::Emulate::PSGI + CGI::Fast + Class::Accessor + Class::Accessor::Chained + Class::Accessor::Lite Class::Inspector + Class::ReturnValue + CPAN::Audit + CPAN::DistnameInfo Crypt::PasswdMD5 Crypt::Random::Source CSS::Minifier + Data::ICal + Date::ICal + Date::Leapyear + Devel::StackTrace Email::Valid Encode::Locale + Excel::Writer::XLSX Exporter::Tiny + File::Slurp + File::Slurp::Tiny + Font::TTF + HTML::Parser + HTML::Tagset + HTTP::Date + HTTP::Message IO::Interactive + IO::String JavaScript::Minifier JSON JSON::PP + Lingua::Translit Linux::Distribution Locale::Codes LWP + LWP::Protocol::GHTTP + LWP::Protocol::https Mail::Address Mail::Internet Math::Random::ISAAC Math::Random::Secure MIME::Tools + Module::CoreList + Module::CPANfile Module::Find + Module::Load Module::Refresh - Moo Mozilla::CA - Net::IMAP::Simple Net::HTTP + Net::IMAP::Simple Net::SSLGlue PDF::API2 + Pod::Strip + REST::Client + Schedule::Cron::Events + Selenium::Remote::Driver + Set::Crontab Sisimai SOAP::Lite + String::Diff Sys::Hostname::Long Text::CSV Text::Diff + Text::Diff::FormattedHTML + Text::Diff::HTML + Text::vFile::asData Types::TypeTiny - YAML URI - namespace::clean + XML::FeedPP + XML::LibXML::Simple + XML::Parser::Lite + XML::Simple + XML::TreePP + YAML ) ) {