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264 lines (181 loc) · 13.5 KB


TSLoader: Solving Most TypeScript-related Issues in PuerTS

Core Features:

  • PuerTS Loader allows directly loading TypeScript in the editor.
  • No need to delve into tsconfig, ESM, CommonJS; no manual TypeScript compilation required; no need to worry about debugging aspects such as debugpath, source maps, or console navigation.

Additional Features:

  • Seamless switching between custom Loaders during runtime.
  • Organize multiple Loaders in a chain during runtime.
  • Includes a built-in subloader: NodeModuleLoader, capable of loading packages from node_modules directly.
  • Easily create TypeScript within the Asset panel like C#.
  • Treat TypeScript files as ScriptableObjects, draggable onto the editor panel.
  • Develop your own tools by using TSLoader's API to uniformly compile TypeScript into JavaScript files before publishing.

Getting Started

  1. Make sure that you have installed PuerTS using the UPM (Unity Package Manager), which can be done through OpenUPM or by cloning the repository and add from file in UPM window or just copy the upm directory to your Packages/ directory(don't copy to Assets/ directory plz).

  2. Load this package using the UPM same as how you loaded PuerTS. The OpenUPM package name for this package is com.tencent.puerts.ts-loader.

  3. Create a directory structure like this:

     |- Assets
     |-- TypeScripts
     |--- tsconfig.json
     |--- main.mts
     |-- Script.cs (a MonoBehaviour)
  4. Drag the Script.cs into your scene. In the Start() method of Script.cs, use the following code to see the effect:

    var env = new Puerts.JsEnv(new Puerts.TSLoader());

If PuerTS itself is not installed using UPM, you can clone the ts-loader project and add the upm directory to Unity. Please note that the PuerTS core should be the Node.js version.

Detailed Examples

This package follows the UPM package structure, and examples are located in the upm/Samples directory.

  1. Sample 1 - Basic Example

    This is the simplest example. It loads TS files from the Assets directory in the Editor and organizes two Loaders in a chain during Runtime. You can also test the effect of Runtime Loaders within the Editor by using PUERTS_TSLOADER_DISABLE_EDITOR_FEATURE.

  2. Sample 2 - Integration with webpack and node_modules

    This example demonstrates how to add a TSProject located outside the Assets directory. It uses webpack to bundle code from node_modules into separate JS files (to solve the problem of publishing node_modules). These individual JS files are then used by TS controlled by TSLoader.

  3. Sample 3 - Testing Debugger, Source Maps, and Console Redirect

  4. Sample 4 - Directly Loading node_modules

    This example shows how to load node_modules directly within TS. Note: This example works in the Editor and has only been tested in the Editor environment.

  5. Samples from puerts-webgl

    Sample 2, 8, and 9 from the puerts-webgl project all utilize ts-loader.

Migration Guide

Applying TSLoader to an existing PuerTS project is straightforward and should not lead to any backward compatibility issues.

Firstly, if your original project did not pass a Loader when creating the JsEnv, you can simply create a TSLoader and pass it when creating the JsEnv, as shown previously.

If you previously had a custom Loader, like new JsEnv(LoaderA), you can make the following modifications:

var loader = new TSLoader();
JsEnv env = new JsEnv(loader);

This way, you can use TSLoader in the Editor while not affecting the usage of your existing logic.

TS Loading Explanation

In ts-loader, every tsconfig and its associated directory and subdirectories are considered a TS project (somewhat similar to asmdef concepts). ts-loader in the Unity Editor automatically scans all directories for tsconfig files and records their locations.

All TypeScript files can be loaded using their path relative to the tsconfig.json file with the ExecuteModule function (e.g., as shown earlier with main.mts). If you create a TypeScript file with a path relative to the tsconfig like ./lib/sub.mts, you can load it using ExecuteModule('./lib/sub.mts').

Across different tsconfig files, TypeScript files can be mutually loaded. For example, a TypeScript file relative to tsconfig A, ./main.mts, can be loaded using import './sub.mts' relative to tsconfig B, regardless of the locations of tsconfig A and tsconfig B. However, you need to configure your tsconfig appropriately to get code completion for TypeScript files from other tsconfig files. Refer to Explanation of Cross tsconfig References for more details.

You can also place JavaScript files under the tsconfig, and they can be loaded in the same way as mentioned above. However, you need to add compilerOptions.allowJS = true to your tsconfig for this to work.

In the current version, avoid adding another tsconfig within the scope controlled by an existing tsconfig.

Explanation of Cross tsconfig References

ts-loader itself supports TypeScript import statements across different tsconfig files, but you need to configure it properly to get accurate TypeScript code completion in your editor. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Project References

    This configuration is at the same level as compilerOptions. Without this configuration, you won't get content exported from other TypeScript files.

    "references": [
            "path": "path-to-another-tsconfig"
            "path": "path-to-another-tsconfig"
  2. Paths

    This configuration is within compilerOptions. If not configured, the automatically completed paths will have a lot of relative symbols, making them unusable with ts-loader.

    "paths": {
        "*": [
  3. Module

    This configuration is within compilerOptions. It is used to specify the output module format. Only when configured as None or commonjs will you get accurate code completion from your project in other places. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but this configuration will be changed to ES2015 when ts-loader processes TypeScript, so it's recommended to set it to None in your project.

Make sure to set up these configurations in your tsconfig files for proper cross tsconfig references and accurate code completion when using ts-loader.

Compilation During Publishing

TSLoader includes a built-in TSReleaser-Resources.cs that compiles all TypeScript files managed by TSLoader and places them in the Gen/Resources directory. This allows them to be loaded by the built-in DefaultLoader in PuerTS.

If you wish to publish TypeScript files managed by TSLoader in a different form, you can refer to ReleaseToResources.cs, where the ReleaseAllTS method may assist you.


  • Remove dependencies on Node.js


Thanks for @throw-out providing key support for source maps and ConsoleRedirect.

TSLoader: 解决普洱下使用Typescript的大部分问题


  • 提供一个PuerTS的Loader,使你在Editor下,可以直接读取TS。
  • 无需研究tsconfig、无需研究ESM、CommonJS,无需自行编译ts,无需理会和调试相关的debugpath/sourceMap/控制台跳转。


  • 在Runtime下,依然可以使用自己Loader,无缝切换
  • 在Runtime下,以链式组织多个Loader
  • 自带了一个子loader:NodeModuleLoader,可以直接加载node_modules里的包
  • 可在Asset面板中直接创建Typescript,就像C#一样。
  • 将Typescript文件视为ScriptableObject,可拖入Editor面板上。
  • 可以编写自己的工具,通过TSLoader的API,在发布前将Typescript统一编译为js文件。



  1. 确认你已通过upm方式安装好PuerTS,可以用openupm、也可以clone后add from file、也可以下载本仓库后将upm目录丢到Packages下(请勿放在Assets里)。
  2. 通过upm方式加载本包,加载方式请与PuerTS保持一致。本包的openupm包名为com.tencent.puerts.ts-loader
  3. 创建这样的目录结构
  |- Assets
  |-- TypeScripts
  |--- tsconfig.json
  |--- main.mts
  |-- Script.cs (是个MonoBehaviour)
  1. 将Script.cs拖入场景,在Script.cs的Start()使用如下代码即可看到效果
var env = new Puerts.JsEnv(new Puerts.TSLoader());

如果PuerTS本体不使用UPM安装,可以自行clone ts-loader项目并将upm目录添加至Unity。且注意PuerTS本体需要用Node.js版



  1. Sample 1 - 简单示例

    最简单的示例,Editor下加载Assets目录下的TS,Runtime下通过链式组织两个Loader完成加载工作。 且通过PUERTS_TSLOADER_DISABLE_EDITOR_FEATURE,可以在Editor内测试Runtime下的Loader的效果。

  2. Sample 2 - 与webpack和node_modules配合

    演示了如何添加一个Assets目录外的TSProject。 该Project使用webpack,将node_modules里的代码打包成为单独的JS(为了解决node_modules不好发布的问题)。这些单独的JS再被TSLoader控制中的TS所使用。

  3. Sample 3 - 调试器、sourceMap、ConsoleRedirect的测试

  4. Sample 4 - 直接加载node_modules


  5. puerts-webgl 的Sample 2/8/9 都使用了ts-loader




如果你以前已经有自定义Loader,比如new JsEnv(LoaderA),那么你可以这样修改:

        var loader = new TSLoader();
        JsEnv env = new JsEnv(loader);





不同的tsconfig间,其下的ts文件可以互相加载,比如相对于tsconfig A的./main.mts,可以通过import './sub.mts'加载相对于tsconfig B的./sub.mts。而无论tsconfig A和tsconfig B各自放在哪个位置。但这种情况下,你需要在tsconfig里做好配置,才能获得其他tsconfig下ts文件的代码提示。详见tsconfig间引用说明

tsconfig下也可以放置js文件,且能像上述方式一样加载,但需要你在tsconfig里添加compilerOptions.allowJS = true




  1. project references


 "references": [
         "path": "另一个tsconfig的路径"
         "path": "另一个tsconfig的路径"
  1. paths


"*": [
  1. module






  • 解除对Node的依赖


@throw-out 提供了最为关键的sourceMap和ConsoleRedirect的支持。