Trim is a opcode-oriented programming language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It offers syntax for writing highly optimized code in a more readable manner, without introducing mental or complexity overhead.
First install Trim (and ethereumjs/vm as you'll probably use its opcode definitions)
npm install trim-evm
Then use the binary...
% trim myfile.trim
% echo '(ADD 0x00 0x01)' | trim
...or import and compile:
import { trim } from 'trim-evm'
const bytecode = trim`(ADD 0x00 0x01)`
console.log("Compile success! Resulting bytecode:", bytecode)
If you need to configure opcodes:
import { trim } from 'trim-evm'
const bytecode = trim.compile(trim.source`(ADD 0x00 0x01)`, {
opcodes: ...,
opcodesMetadata: ...,
Here's a template to get started writing a full smart contract with Trim:
(CALLDATACOPY 0x1c 0x00 0x04)
(MLOAD 0x00) ; copy function id onto the stack
(EQ (abi/fn-selector "hello()") DUP1)
(JUMPI #hello _)
REVERT ; No matching function id
(MSTORE 0x00 "Hello, world!")
(RETURN 0x00 0x20)
First and foremost, Trim is a superset of bare assembly. You can always write opcodes in a plain manner. For example, this is valid Trim:
PUSH1 0x20
PUSH2 0x1000
What Trim introduces is s-expressions. An s-expression allows you to write in opcode-arguments notation:
(MLOAD (ADD 0x1000 0x20))
This code is equivalent to the previous example.
You can also use the top operator (_
) to refer to the top of the stack. The following examples are all equivalent:
; Example A
PUSH1 0x20
(ADD 0x1000 _)
; Example B
(ADD 0x1000 0x20)
; Example C
(ADD 0x1000 0x20)
Note how you don't have to write all your code in s-expressions.
When you write a Trim s-expression, you gain access to a few features. Aside from defining a label, these features are only accessible within s-expressions.
Trim allows you to write double-quoted string literals. For example:
; Old way
PUSH12 0x48656c6c6f2c205472696d21
; New way
(EQ "Hello, Trim!" _)
When deploying an EVM smart contract, you deploy both the initialization code and the runtime code as one long sequence of bytes. During this deployment transaction, the EVM will run this code, take its return value, and then persist this return value to the block chain. In other words, the value returned is the bytecode that will always run when future transactions are made to the new contract's address.
Unfortunately, writing in plain opcodes for this task is a big hassle, as it involves manually counting bytes and hardcoding those numbers into your code. Worse, if you add or remove lines of code during development, you will have to recount and update these hardcoded numbers before testing it again.
Trim solves this by introducing labels:
(SUB CODESIZE #runtime)
(CODECOPY 0x00 #runtime _)
(RETURN 0x00 _)
(MSTORE 0x00 "Hello, world!")
(RETURN 0x00 0x20)
In the above code, line 6 is a label definition, which ends up being 15 bytes:
- 3 bytes for each
reference (each get compiled to aPUSH2
statement) - 2 bytes for each
(each get compiled to aPUSH1
statement) - 1 byte for each other opcode before the
Trim treats a label named #runtime
as a special case. If it's present, all labels defined after #runtime
will automatically be offset by that amount. This is necessary to correct runtime label offsets, compensating for the removal of the init code.
You can write hex (e.g. 0xfeed
) anywhere in Trim.
However, Trim also supports several numerical notations to help you write more readable code:
- Decimal (e.g.
) - Words (e.g.
is equivalent to0x40
) - Bytes (e.g.
is equivalent to0x04
All notations get translated to hex during compilation.
Trim has some built-in macros. It has user-defined macros too.
You have two choices when it comes to compile-time math calculations:
- Use each operator macro directly, or
- Use the
macro to write an expression with natural mathmatical operator precedence.
For example, the following two lines are equivalent:
(push (math 1 + 2 * 30 / 4 - 5))
(push (- (+ 1 (/ (* 2 30) 4)) 5))
Both methods pass the expression to the JS runtime. Results must be positive integers.
If you're writing an expression that does not naturally converge into an integer, you can use the following helpers:
(push (// 10 3)) ;=> 3 (integer division)
(push (math/ceil 10 / 3)) ;=> 4
(push (math/floor 10 / 3)) ;=> 3
A convenience macro to output function selector (also known an "function id") segment of an ABI encoded function call. Useful for running function-specific code.
(EQ (abi/fn-selector "foo()") DUP1)
(JUMPI #foo _)
; ...
; More code here
Normally when you want to push literal value, you just simply write it, e.g. (ADD 0x01 0x02)
or (EQ "abc" _)
But what if you want to push a string onto the stack? Just use the push
("Hi") ; Error, invalid token
(push "Hi") ; Works!
This is a simple macro for the standard "copy runtime code to memory and return it" part of deploying a smart contract – something virtually every contract will need.
With this macro, the following is a template that you can use to start writing any contract you want!
;; TODO: Write code here!
The above is equivalent to:
(SUB CODESIZE #runtime)
(CODECOPY 0x00 #runtime _)
(RETURN 0x00 _)
;; TODO: Write code here!
You can define your own macros using the def
For example, a common pattern is to have a lookup table of function sigs to labels. This is what you would normally write, without macros:
;; Assumes function selector is already on top of the stack
(EQ (abi/fn-selector "decimals()") DUP1)
(JUMPI #decimals _)
(EQ (abi/fn-selector "balanceOf(address)") DUP1)
(JUMPI #balanceOf _)
;; ...
;; Code for decimals()
;; Code for balanceOf(address)
If you have quite a few of these, you could write a zero-cost macro abstraction to make the code a little nicer:
(def defun (sig label)
(EQ (abi/fn-selector sig) DUP1)
(JUMPI label _))
Then, rewrite the previous lookup table to use it:
(defun "decimals()" #decimals)
(defun "balanceOf(address)" #balanceOf)
Macros only rewrite terms, so there is no runtime cost to using a macro vs not using it.
The defconst
macro lets you define compile-time constants that can be interpolated elsewhere in your code.
Basic usage:
; Define a constant
(defconst DECIMALS 18)
; Use it in expressions
; Constants can reference other constants
(defconst ONE_TOKEN (math 10 ** DECIMALS))
; Constants can use any valid Trim expression
(defconst OWNER_SLOT (keccak256 "owner.slot"))
Constants are evaluated at compile-time, so there's no runtime overhead. They're especially useful in combination with other macros:
; Define some common storage slots
(defconst OWNER_SLOT 0x00)
(defconst PAUSED_SLOT 0x01)
; Create a macro to check ownership
(def require-owner ()
(revert "Unauthorized"
The defcounter
macro lets you define compile-time counters that can be incremented and used in expressions. This is useful for generating sequences of numbers or managing predefined memory slots.
Basic usage:
; Define a counter starting at 0
(defcounter my-counter)
; Define a counter with initial value
(defcounter slot 10)
; Use the counter value
(push (my-counter)) ; Pushes 0
; Increment and use
(push (slot ++)) ; Pushes 10 and increments afterwards
(push (slot)) ; Pushes 11
; Add to counter
(push (math 1word * (my-counter += 3))) ; Adds 3 immediately and uses result
A common use case is managing memory slots ("registers") in a more maintainable way. For example:
; Define a counter for tracking memory slots
(defcounter reg-counter)
; Create a macro to define named memory registers
(def defreg (name)
(def name () (math 1word * (reg-counter ++))))
; Define some named memory slots
(defreg $balance)
(defreg $owner)
; Use the named slots (they'll be at 0x00, 0x20, etc)
(MSTORE $balance 100)
(MSTORE $owner 0xabc...)
Trim evaluates all counter operations during compilation, resulting in fixed values in the final bytecode.
The revert
and return
macros are a slightly more convenient ways to exit contract execution, mostly useful for debugging due to their concise syntax.
; Implicitly return the top of the stack
; Return a specific value (still off the stack, but explicit)
(return (MLOAD 0x00))
; Simple revert with message
(revert "Something went wrong")
; Conditional revert - only revert IF the caller is not the owner
(revert "Unauthorized" (ISZERO (EQ caller owner)))
These are some features we're considering adding to Trim. Create an issue to discuss or suggest more!
- User-defined macros
- Defining labels with macros
- Hardhat integration
- More standard ABI macros
- Imports
- Run
tsc --watch
thennpm test
- Run
node update-opcodes.js
if/when the standard opcode list needs to be updated