tutorial to boostsrap a fullnode on the avail Goldberg testnet Hey with this tutorial you can run an Avail full node step by step : You need a Linux virtual machine
1)setting up your environment : Installation of the required dependencies:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install make clang pkg-config libssl-dev build-essential git screen protobuf-compiler -y
2)Installs Rust :
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Press 1, Rust is installed, configure your current shell:
source $HOME/.cargo/env
Install nightly :
rustup update nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
Check the rust version:
rustc —version
3)Clone the full node repository:
git clone https://github.com/availproject/avail.git
4)Client installation: (There are two methods to run your full node but I recommend the second for a better monitoring)
First method:
cd avail
screen -S avail
git checkout v1.8.0.2
cargo build --release -p data-avail
final result
cargo build --release
5)Run the node
./target/release/data-avail --base-path `pwd`/data --chain goldberg --name patatedoucetest
Change “patatedouce” with your node name before running your node
To check the node status go on the avail telemetry: http://telemetry.avail.tools/ your node will be appearing on the site under the “node name”
you should see your node syncing in grey like in the example
Second method:
mkdir -p output
mkdir -p data
git checkout v1.8.0.2
cargo run --locked --release -- --chain goldberg -d ./output
sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/availd.service
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/availd.service
Copy this and paste it in the file, don’t forget to change the name “patatedouce” whit your name:
Description=Avail Validator
ExecStart= /root/avail/target/release/data-avail --base-path `pwd`/data --chain goldberg --name "patatedoucetest"
Ctrl+x press y to save the file and enter to exit
To enable your file:
sudo systemctl enable availd.service
Start the node:
sudo systemctl start availd.service
You can check the status:
sudo systemctl status availd.service
check your node log:
journalctl -f -u availd
If you wan to stop the node:
sudo systemctl stop availd.service
To check the node status go on the avail telemetry: http://telemetry.avail.tools/ your node will be appearing on the site under the “node name”
you should see your node syncing in grey like in the example
Some others guides: https://github.com/0xrishitripathi/avail-anywhere/tree/main https://github.com/DinhCongTac221/Install-Avail-Full-Node https://youtu.be/HYBzK-jJIeQ
Notable commands : To exit the open window: (Ctrl + a + d) To stop the log/node: (Ctrl +c) Return on the window : screen -x If you open multiple windows: screen -r and the window name