The Cryptocurrency Dashboard App is a web-based tool developed using Python and the Streamlit framework. Its primary objective is to display the closing prices for various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash. The dashboard aims to provide users with a comprehensive overview of cryptocurrency prices and trends in real-time.
Python: Programming language used for backend development and data analysis. Streamlit: Open-source framework utilized for building interactive web applications with Python. Cryptocurrency API: API used for fetching real-time cryptocurrency data, including closing prices, from various exchanges. Pandas: Library used for data manipulation and preprocessing. Matplotlib/Plotly: Libraries used for data visualization and charting.
The Cryptocurrency Dashboard App includes the following main features:
Cryptocurrency Selection: Users can select one or multiple cryptocurrencies to view closing prices for. The available options typically include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash.
Time Series Analysis: Time series charts displaying the closing prices of the selected cryptocurrencies over a specified period. Users can customize the time range and frequency of data updates. Historical Data: Users can access historical closing prices for the selected cryptocurrencies to analyze trends and patterns over time. Comparative Analysis: Comparative charts allowing users to compare the closing prices of different cryptocurrencies side by side. This feature enables users to identify correlations and differences in price movements.

The Cryptocurrency Dashboard App built with Python and Streamlit offers users a user-friendly and intuitive tool for tracking cryptocurrency prices and trends. By leveraging real-time data and interactive visualizations, the dashboard enables users to make informed decisions regarding cryptocurrency investments and trading strategies. Future enhancements may include adding additional features such as price alerts, technical indicators, and sentiment analysis.