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Threlte Postprocessing

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Threlte Postprocessing is a postprocessing effects library for Threlte, bringing powerful post-processing capabilities to your Svelte 3D applications. Built on top of three.js and postprocessing, it provides a set of ready-to-use effects that can be easily integrated into your Threlte scenes.

npm install threlte-postprocessing

Quick start 🚀

<script lang="ts">
  import { Canvas } from "@threlte/core";
  import Scene from "./Scene.svelte";

  <Scene />
<script lang="ts">
  import { EffectComposer } from 'threlte-postprocessing'
  import { DepthOfFieldEffect, BloomEffect, NoiseEffect, VignetteEffect } from 'threlte-postprocessing/effects'

  <DepthOfFieldEffect focusDistance={0} focalLength={0.02} bokehScale={2} height={480} />
  <BloomEffect luminanceThreshold={0} luminanceSmoothing={0.9} height={300} />
  <NoiseEffect opacity={0.02} />
  <VignetteEffect eskil={false} offset={0.1} darkness={1.1} />


Link to demo

Features ✨

  • 🎯 Seamless integration with Threlte and Svelte
  • ⚡️ Simple, declarative API
  • 🎨 Rich set of post-processing effects
  • 📦 Tree-shakeable effects
  • 🔧 Fully typed with TypeScript
  • 🎮 Real-time effect parameter updates

Effects Documentation 📚


Adds a glow effect to bright areas of the scene.

  intensity={1.0}           // The intensity of the bloom effect (default: 1.0)
  luminanceThreshold={0.9}  // Minimum luminance required for bloom (default: 0.9)
  luminanceSmoothing={0.025}// Smoothing of the luminance threshold (default: 0.025)
  mipmapBlur={false}       // Whether to use mipmap blur (default: false)
  height={480}             // Render height (default: 480)


Adjusts the brightness and contrast of the scene.

  brightness={0}           // Brightness adjustment (-1 to 1, default: 0)
  contrast={0}            // Contrast adjustment (-1 to 1, default: 0)


Simulates lens color separation artifacts.

  offset={[0.002, 0.002]}  // RGB offset vector (default: [0.002, 0.002])
  radialModulation={false} // Enable radial offset modulation (default: false)
  modulationOffset={0.15}  // Modulation offset (default: 0.15)


Reduces the image to a single average color.

<ColorAverageEffect />


Reduces the color depth of the image.

  bits={16}               // Number of bits per channel (default: 16)


Applies color adjustments to the final render.

  lut={texture}            // Color lookup texture
  lutSize={32}            // Size of the lookup texture (default: 32)
  intensity={1.0}         // Effect intensity (default: 1.0)


Renders the scene's depth buffer.

  inverted={false}        // Invert the depth values (default: false)
  near={0}               // Near plane distance (default: 0)
  far={1}               // Far plane distance (default: 1)


Simulates camera focus effects by blurring objects based on their distance from the focal point.

  focusDistance={0.0}      // Distance to the focus point (default: 0.0)
  focalLength={0.02}       // Focal length of the simulated camera (default: 0.02)
  bokehScale={2.0}         // Size of the bokeh effect (default: 2.0)
  height={480}             // Render height (default: 480)


Creates a dot-screen effect similar to halftone printing.

  angle={1.57}            // Pattern angle in radians (default: 1.57)
  scale={1.0}             // Pattern scale (default: 1.0)


Creates digital glitch effects.

  delay={[1.5, 3.5]}      // Min/max delay between glitches (default: [1.5, 3.5])
  duration={[0.6, 1.0]}   // Min/max glitch duration (default: [0.6, 1.0])
  strength={[0.3, 1.0]}   // Min/max glitch strength (default: [0.3, 1.0])
  mode={GlitchMode.CONSTANT} // Glitch mode (CONSTANT, SPORADIC)


Creates volumetric lighting effects.

  decay={0.95}            // Light decay factor (default: 0.95)
  density={0.96}          // Ray density (default: 0.96)
  weight={0.4}            // Ray weight (default: 0.4)
  exposure={0.6}          // Ray exposure (default: 0.6)
  samples={60}            // Number of samples (default: 60)


Overlays a grid pattern on the scene.

  scale={1.0}             // Grid scale (default: 1.0)
  lineWidth={0.0}         // Grid line width (default: 0.0)


Adjusts the hue and saturation of the scene.

  hue={0}                 // Hue adjustment (-Math.PI to Math.PI, default: 0)
  saturation={0}          // Saturation adjustment (-1 to 1, default: 0)


Adds film grain or noise to the scene.

  opacity={0.02}           // Noise opacity (default: 0.02)
  premultiply={false}      // Whether to premultiply the noise (default: false)
  blendFunction={BlendFunction.SCREEN} // Blend mode for the noise


Creates a pixelated effect by reducing the resolution.

  granularity={5}         // Size of pixels (default: 5)


Adds scanlines to the scene, similar to old CRT displays.

  density={1.25}          // Line density (default: 1.25)


Applies a sepia tone to the scene.

  intensity={1.0}         // Effect intensity (default: 1.0)

SMAA (Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing)

Provides high-quality antialiasing.

  preset={SMAAPreset.HIGH} // Quality preset (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, ULTRA)
  edgeDetectionMode={EdgeDetectionMode.COLOR} // Detection mode (COLOR, DEPTH, LUMA)


Applies tone mapping to the scene.

  mode={ToneMappingMode.REINHARD} // Tone mapping mode (REINHARD, OPTIMIZED, ACES, HEJL)
  exposure={1.0}          // Exposure level (default: 1.0)
  maxLuminance={16.0}     // Maximum luminance (default: 16.0)
  middleGrey={0.6}        // Middle grey point (default: 0.6)
  whitePoint={16.0}       // White point (default: 16.0)


Darkens the edges of the scene.

  offset={0.5}             // Offset of the effect (default: 0.5)
  darkness={0.5}           // Intensity of the darkening (default: 0.5)
  eskil={false}            // Use Eskil's vignette technique (default: false)

Custom Fluid Effect

Fluid like in react-fluid

<script lang="ts">
    import { FluidEffect } from "threlte-postprocessing/custom";

<!-- Don't forget to wrap it with <EffectComposer>! -->
<FluidEffect />

And more...

You can check more effects in effects folder

Contributing 🤝

We welcome contributions! Here's how you can help:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-effect)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add amazing effect')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-effect)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Performance Tips 💨

  • Only use the effects you need
  • Adjust effect quality settings based on device capabilities
  • Consider using the <EffectComposer> component for better control
  • Enable effect pass switching for dynamic performance optimization

Credits 🙏

This library builds upon several amazing projects:

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Made with ❤️ for the Threlte and Svelte community


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