Inspiration: My friend loves capturing memories in video (as can be seen by his youtube channel: I wanted a way for him to see his memories. So I decided to create a Smart Mirror that displayed the memories he's captured for his birthday.
A video of the product reveal can be found in my portfolio:
Stack: Python, Javascript, Node.js, Electron, sqlite3
- Create a module for Open Source Project MagicMirror that will display memories my friend has had on the current day
- Create a module for Open Source Project MagicMirror that will display memories his friends have captured
- Run this on a Raspberry pi 3
- Problem: I need to get data (videos) for the module to be usedul
- Solution: My friend releases a "1 Second A Day" video every year that he uploads to youtube. I need to somehow extract each clip from the video.
- Solution: Ask his friends and family to submit videos
For this I created an algorithm in python that parses his youtube videos and extracts each individual clip. All it took was a little bit of math and some quick RGB comparisons to get this to work. I titled each clip the date in which it was taken.
- Problem: I needed a way to store these video clips somewhere for later access
- Solution: Find a lightweight Database Management System, Create database tables, Populate database tables
For this I created a python script that creates the database tables. I also wrote a script that creates a text file with all the data I needed. I then wrote a script that parses the text file and populates the corresponding databasetables.
- Problem: I needed a way to display these memories I gathered and stored
- Solution: Create modules for Open Source Project MagicMirror and query the database whenever needed.
For this I created two modules.
The first module I call DayMemories. It basically displays memories that occured on a given day. It queries the database I created in Phase 2 with the current data. It then displays the videos that were returned from the query on a loop for 24 hours. When its midnight a new set of memories are displayed.
The second module I call PersonalMemories. It displays memories that my friend's friends and family submitted in carousel manner. These memories only display when the mirror is turned on.
The goal of this project is to make software that will go in a Raspberry Pi 3. Raspberry Pi will be used to make a smart mirror that will be given to my friend for his birthday.
Specific to birthday present: My friend does a one second a day video recording. Then releases the edited footage a week after his birthday. Will write script that extracts each 1 second clip in the video and then use those clips to show him what he did one year ago in the mirror.
11/4 Notes: As in any project a lot of things change. I realized that there was already an open sourced smart mirror application. So as to not reinvent the wheel I will be writing modules for the Open Sourced Smart Mirror. It's github is right here:
Functionality: Parse 1 second a day video and extracts every clip.
Issue: Unfortunately each clip isn't 1 second. They vary between 0.6 to 1.2 seconds. Solution: I used the moviepy library which gives me a lot of functionality with videos. The moviepy library allows me to get a frame from the video at a specific timestamp. So I get a frame every 0.1 seconds and compare it to the previous frame. I then aggregate the RGV value of every pixel in the frame and do a comparison to detect if they are in fact different clips.
Functionality: Creates database that will be used in Smart Memory Mirror. Parses a text document that I created for data.
Personal Memories
Functionality: I asked my friend's family and friends to send me memories in video or image format to display in the mirror. This Module for the MagicMirror open sourced project displays images/videos in a rotating carousel format.
Day Memories
Funcitonality: This is where the video clips parsed from and the database created in come together. Day Memories queries the database for memories(videos) that occured on this date and displays one after another.