matterbridge v1.24.1
- discord: Switch to discordgo upstream again (#1759)
- general: Update dependencies and vendor (#1761)
- general: Create inmessage-logger.tengo (#1688) (#1747)
- general: Add OpenRC service file (#1746)
- irc: Refactor utf-8 conversion (irc) (#1767)
- irc: Fix panic in irc. Closes #1751 (#1760)
- mumble: Implement a workaround to signal Opus support (mumble) (#1764)
- telegram: Fix for complex-formatted Telegram text (#1765)
- telegram: Fix Telegram channel title in forwards (#1753)
- telegram: Fix Telegram Problem (unforwarded formatting and skipping of linebreaks) (#1749)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@s3lph, @ValdikSS, @reckel-jm, @CyberTailor