A macOS app develop with SwiftUI in MVVM that could inspect many mac's battery info.
Main View highlights some important information of mac's battery. Including:
- Temperature:in Celsius
- Time Remaining:time to fully charge or time to run out
- Adapter Detail:some important information of power adapter
- Battery:Remain percentage
- Cycle Count:max cycle count for a battery life is 1000
- Battery Health
When mac is start/stop charging, HighLight view will show/hide adapter detail with animation.
A view includes 100 blocks to represent current capacity.
This view shows all data from IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo
and AppleSmartBattery
without doing any transformation.
And this page also support searching. Search result will highlight what user search in geeen.
MenuBarExtra will always appear on top right of mac's menu bar unless "Mac Battery Inspector" is been quited.
"Mac Battery Inspector" also support dark mode!User could select mode on top right of tool bar for "Mac Battery Inspector" to follow system's preference or user's preference.
This package is MIT licensed.