Implementation of the knowledge discovery framework ForEx++, which was published in:
Md Nasim Adnan and Md Zahidul Islam: ForEx++: A New Framework for Knowledge Discovery from Decision Forests In: Australasian Journal of Information Systems Vol 21, 2017.
This algorithm processes a decision forest and provides a list of high-quality rules that account for each class.
title={ForEx++: A New Framework for Knowledge Discovery from Decision Forests},
author={Adnan, Md Nasim and Islam, Md Zahidul},
journal={Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS)},
Either download ForExPlusPlus from the Weka package manager, or download the latest release from the "Releases" section on the sidebar of Github. A video on the installation and use of the package can be found here.
This repository contains a Netbeans project. Import into Netbeans and include weka.jar, SysFor.jar, and ForestPA.jar as compile-time libraries. SysFor.jar and ForestPA.jar are available in the Weka package manager.
Whether to print the decision forest that the ForEx++ rules were selected from
(default false)
Whether to remove rules with no coverage before calculating mean coverage,
support, and rule length
(default true)
Whether to group rules by class value in the final output.
(default true)
-E <acc | cov | len>
Sort Method for Displaying Rules.
(Default = sort by rule accuracy)
Whether to use accuracy in selecting ForEx++ rules
(default true)
Whether to use coverage in selecting ForEx++ rules
(default true)
Whether to use rule length in selecting ForEx++ rules
(default true)