This project is aimed at running different game emulators on CE 96Boards.
- DragonBoard 410 is powered off
- Connect I/O devices (Monitor, Keyboard, etc...)
- Power on your DragonBoard 410c with 96Boards compliant power supply
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> Note: HiKey: Some packages might get corrupted by this, so run the following commmand to resolve.
$ sudo apt-get -f install
$ sudo apt-get install -y libsdl1.2-dev libsdl2-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \
libboost-date-time-dev libfreeimage-dev libfreetype6-dev libeigen3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libasound2-dev \
libgl1-mesa-dev cmake build-essential git pkg-config ffmpeg libavdevice-dev
Use swapfile to prevent DragonBoard from running out of RAM. Follow the instructions here for allocating swap space in SD card.
$ git clone git://
$ cd RetroArch
$ ./configure
$ make -j 2
$ sudo make install
All of the supported cores for RetroArch is available here. You can use any of them. For instance, follow the below instructions to clone and build snes core.
$ git clone
$ cd snes9x2010
$ make -f Makefile.libretro
After building, the core will get generated
Run the Emulator with compiled core and ROM.
retroarch -L <path_to_rom>
Note: Replace <path_to_rom> with the path of appropriate ROM. Instructions for downloading ROM is not provided here.
$ git clone -b 96Boards
$ cd RetroPie-Setup
This script will install emulation station, RetroArch and few cores.
$ sudo ./
Select yes to Copyright agreement and select Basic install from the opened dialog. After the installation has finished successfully, exit the dialog.
Place the downloaded ROMs into the appropriate core directory under /home/linaro/RetroPie/roms/
Execute the following command and configure the keypad then select games by choosing the emulator in main window.
$ emulationstation
For more info please visit the official RetroPie Wiki here