Programador: Blox.
Sobre Roler: Un bot multifuncional incluyendo uso en juegos de Rol programado en JS y usando paquetes de node.js / A multifunctional bot includes use in RPG games programmed in JS and using node.js packages
Licencia: GNU General Public License v3.0
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Noticia: Las siguientes actualizaciones serán cada 10 días apartir del 10 de enero de 2020
Programmer: Blox.
Aboout Roler: A multifunctional bot including use in RP games programmed in JS and using node.js packages / A multifunctional bot includes use in RPG games programmed in JS and using node.js packages
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License: GNU General Public License v3.0
News: The following updates will be every 10 days from January 10, 2020