Releases: AFG-Polio-Data/APMIS-Project
v 3.1.6
Change Log
This release contains major improvement and enhancements & bug fixes.
- Color of selected tile-style buttons makes it difficult to see selected value #263
- Configuration: change "externalid" label to match unit type e.g., "DCODE" #290
- Adding FMS and LQAS to form category #294
- Close and Open a campaign #174
- Renaming Sync buttons in mobile app #289
- Hiding extra fields in mobile app #280
- Enable yes/no option in mobile app #250
- New form button does not show any forms in dropdown #271
Change Log
This release contains major improvement and enhancements & bug fixes.
- Sorting cluster numbers from smallest to largest #266
- Multi-level sort needed #189
- Adding the Modality category to the forms #279
- Configuration page should be accessible only for Admin users #276
- Show username in Account screen #275
- Improve or eliminate Campaign Statistics page #261
Change Log
This release contains major improvement and enhancements.
- Ability to assign multiple clusters to Cluster Coordinator #238
- About feedback form needs a timestamp in google doc #251
- Heavy mobile application #217
- Archived and deleted campaigns are not removed from mobile app #252
- Mobile app does not default to last used campaign #253
- DC Users be restricted to enter data to relevant clusters #220
- Move mobile user role from District Coordinator to Cluster Coordinator #243
- Mobile app username should NOT be case-sensitive #249
- Dashboard charts not populating based on specified order #241
- Live server mobile app is wrong version and won't sync #247
Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
- Default formatting for text should be left-aligned and not centered #131(Function Update)
- Tab form title in mobile app #222
- User name of duplicate campaign #224 (Function Update)
- Data entered with mobile app is not viewable in web system #218
- User Data Permissions #215
- Warn user after result of a failed logical test #216
- Heavy mobile application #217
- Logical check dependency on two Yes-No fields #240
- Activating the update ability of mobile app #235
- Ability to hide extra fields and do complex calculations #228
- Campaigns > Campaign Stats : add option to view counts of forms without grouping #166
Bug Fixes
APMIS v3.1.1
Change Log
This release contains improvements and enhancements.
- Expand About section to allow for linking to reference material (e.g., help files/online documents) (#45)
- Logical check on yes-no options (#230)
- Add 'Cluster Number' Column (variable) to Cluster (#163)
- JSON type 'number' not working in calculations (#206)
- Improve session timeout behaviour (#30)
- Warn user after the result of a failed logical test (#216)
- Exclude archived data from the "all campaigns" drop-down selection in Campaign Data (#162)
- Placing a form for receiving user feedback on About page (#171)
APMIS v3.1.0
Change Log
This release contains major improvement and enhancements.
- User creation - Show user name at password display screen #72
- Campaign Statistics "FORM" dropdown value resets to blank but filter remains applied #120
- Create User > Phone number note label is cut off, does not wrap #130
- Campaign > Campaign Data > Sort not working #187
- Dropdowns for filter on Dashboard page not wrapping on smaller screens #205
- Warn user after result of a failed logical test #216
- Allow users to change their own password from within APMIS #211
- Editing user profile #201
Bug Fixes
APMIS v3.0.2
Change Log
This release contains major improvement and enhancements.
- Add 'Cluster Number' Column (variable) to Cluster (#163)
- Update password reset email body text (#144)
- Mobile App data entry development and configuration (#213)
- Campaign Data and Campaign Statistics Form directory view (#129)
- Add region filter to Configuration page (#160)
- UI - Formatting updates and typos (compiled into single issue list) (#158)
- Updated dashboard feature set (#159)
- Code in Configuration page (#198)
- Forms need to support logical checks (#70)
- Logical connection and setting default value for fields:• If the value of one field is zero, the value of one or several fields must be zero too.(#199)
- Support for basic map data (open street maps integration or similar) (#34)
- Allow custom tab layout in form view (#66)
- Translating dropdown and radio button options (#128)
- Logical connection and setting default value for fields (#199)
- Load duplicate campaign page after duplicating an existing campaign (#118)
- Day duplicate entry and auto calculation in Admin data (#193)
- Tab form data export and calculation (Admin Data) (#197)
- Modify the SORMAS mobile app to remove persistent references to “SORMAS” and show APMIS branding (#43)
- Revise mobile app as needed to work in conjunction with web-based data system and enhance mobile app features (#47)
APMIS 3.0.1
APMIS v.3.0.0
Change Log
This version is a significant improvement over previous versions. There is an emphasis on major changes to the dashboard, such as new diagram types and a major application requirement for modern applications, namely the provision of RESTful web API for use in other applications.
The software's responsiveness has been improved, and the user experience on smaller screens has been enhanced. However, it is still recommended that when using smaller screens, the software be used in landscape mode to ensure the best experience.
- Re-order tabs in Campaigns (#165)
- Translating dropdown and radio button options (#128)
- Add year filter to Campaign Directory page (#113)
- Adding title for User fields (#100)
- Section formatting: Text items in APMIS should not be in ALL CAPS. Highlighted/selected text should not increase in font size (#110)
- Log in screen 'LOG IN' button does not show any effect when tab-selected (#145)
- Campaign Data page: Change default cluster dropdown value to "All clusters" (not "All communities”) (#123)
- User Guide pdf file should be opened in a new tab (#155)
- Changed on Configuration page (#154)
- drop 'UUID' col from User Management table (#157)
- New Dashboard UI elements (#103)
Country Priority
- Allow custom tab layout in form view (#66)
- Float or decimals do not show on the dashboard (#180)
- Add PCode, DCode, CCode to Campaign Data view (#169)
- Change logo picture (#141)
- Allow utilization of form values for grouping in charts (e.g., campaign days) (#172)
Functional Concern
- Enable API (#147)
REST endpoints have been provided for consumption by other applications. Documentation can be found here.
- Campaign Data and Campaign Statistics Form directory view (#129)
- We need to be able to calculate fieldIds from different formIds within the same "campaigndiagramdefinition” JSON (#178)
- Export data file name structure (#175)
- Updated dashboard feature set (#159)
- Change Form Type from front end user form entry to be read-only field (#119)
- Add Region dropdown on 'Create New User’ screen (#116)
- Changing "External ID" to "Code No" - settings for Configuration page (#99)
- Wrap long line text to page width (#98)
- User creation page-- Disable Facility, facility cat and facility type/Country (#96)
- Import template should include region ("area”) (#126)
- Add cluster number to population import on configuration menu improvement (#135)
- Add region org unit to all organizational dropdowns on APMIS (#95)
- Adding risk attribute to districts (#111)
- Add Rcode, Pcode, Ccode, Dcode, ClusterNo, to be included in all Import templates (#139)
- Form list order in Campaign Data “IMPORT” (#153)
- Dates - correct format in forms and dataset (#168)
- Setting labels to "Read Only” (#167)
- Adding new attribute to Users Personal Information (#133)
Bug fixes:
- Language and Forms (#188)
- Password reset not working anymore (Service unavailable error) (#176)
- JSON definition "campaigndiagramtotal" is set to "populationGroup":"0-4" error for CARD, PIE or DOUGHNUT (#181)
- We can not import clusters to cluster configuration (#182)
- Dropdown on new form drops up (#152)
- Password rest link not working, set to https://localhost (#149)
- Login screens of test and main server are no longer differentiated by color (#148)
- Forgot password link results in 'Service Unavailable’ (#150)
- Forms name are listed repeated (#161)
- Live server has 'DashboardTest' Menu item (#170)
- Password reset not working anymore (Service unavailable error) (#176)
- Data Table option in dashboard chart menu option not working (#190)