Releases: AFG-Polio-Data/APMIS-Project
Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
- System should not auto-logout user during import #472
- User without bulk action delete permissions can see delete button #701
- Add "Validation" as a form category #702
- Sorting cluster numbers from smallest to largest #266
- Export JSON form from Form Manager #697
- Set clusters floating status to normal #693
- Multiselect filter for roles dropdown in user list #692
- Add "SIA" to Round Campaign Basics #698
- Change tab label "Configuration" to "Geography" #715
- Admin and National Data managers should be able to edit the Cluster #694
- Region/province/district filters not working for some users #708
- Exported csv files need UTF-8 encoding #706
- Transposed data export headers and functionality #707
- Opening default page does not highlight Campaign Data tab #732
- Warning popup when reassigning clusters #729
- Add Export button on all tabs of User Activity Summary page #687
- Multi-select for region/province/district selections in the 'Campaign Data' page filters #711
- Form Manager: Show column for last edit date #724
- Population import fields should be required #695
- user login deactivation after extended time period #691
- Field ID should not be auto generated in Form Manager #736
- Set default language of users to English.#738
- Take out Dry run button from all import module of all system sections #746
- Cluster API endpoint that returns all clusters #740
- Add User Permission dropdown #744
- JSON forms need commenting mechanism #207
- Setting validation rule on LQAS lot cluster number #600
- Cluster number should be visible first #700
- Enable notifications on Mobile app #359
- Depending dropdown value should be reset after yes-no switch #741
- Validation is working twice for LQAS lot cluster validation #747
- Calculation is stored/displayed as decimals #753
- In bulk mode, publish and verify only processes 30 records #696
- Clicking bulk edit mode then "important" in dropdown causes checkbox to disappear #705
- Configuration > Change Log > sort by date not working #717
- Data Timeliness report sort function not working, extra dropdown #720
- Web app label special characters displaying incorrectly #728
- Admin Data Completeness report not loading #713
- FLW Operation report generates error message #719
- User Activity Summary Search and Filter functionality #721
- R-Click on dashboard sidebar tab opens wrong link #718
- Assigning role of Regional Observer prevents login #727
- Sorting data by Source causes an error #752
- Mobile App 1.0.35 can crash during Synch #726
- Editing data on web will make data not available on Mobile app #751
- Import process #703
Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
- Add attribute to clusters: "Floating" #650
- Dashboard updates #683
- Configure new (3rd) server for testing of same build as Live #684
- LQAS data validation role #682
- Export filenames are not consistent #690
- Fix core admin unit hierarchy to match Afghanistan #482
- "All' in active status dropdown doesn't work #668
- Edit bulk mode button doesn't work #631
- Language of some part of the system get change to the previous selected language #539
- The "Population (Age 5-10)" for districts won't be saved/shown #637
- Captions of days tabs are not visible #688
- Admin units should be unique in Associate Campaign #677
- Delete button in Associate Campaign delete the selected DCode not selected row #689
Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
- Number and date format are different based on different input method #645
- Not able to import mobile users list #667
- Able to rewrite/override the cluster information in Configuration #604
- Add delete button in Associate Campaign #678
- Allow for transposed form data export format #654
- Village code in LQAS form should be auto generate in mobile app #644
Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
- Not able to sort data list based on the all fields #599
- Associate Campaign Population column should be split by age group #628
- Adding District-level modality attributes to Campaign Basics and allow dropdown unit additions in Associate Campaign #626
- Form deadline in Campaign Basics #635
- Configuration/ Change Log tab permission #634
- Changes on Notification page #638
- Not able to Save a new campaign #639
- Forms Default deadline value #640
- Add Year dropdown on All Campaigns page #643
- Allow requiring form's fields using "Depending on" value #608
- Adding modality to the Form Category and Form Access #625
- Target population on cards (PopAge_0_4) should default to only activated regions based on "Associate Campaign" selection #558
- "Ghormach" problem of district changing province/region affiliation #554
- Associate campaign population total #646
- Number of and time limit for messages to be available for users #641
- Label and caption is not visible completely #656
- population import UI/feature refinements #653
- System caption/value rename #660
- Add activity log for From Manager #651
- Add Functionality to username check on the Fly #661
- Setting validation on configuration unites #503
- Remove the coloring from radio buttons to its previous normal setting #672
- Add 'Cluster Number' Column (variable) to Cluster #163
- Remove the SORMAS items from mobile app #658
- Activating the update ability of mobile app #235
- Not able to submit data as District level Mobile user #659
- Mobile app should not allow users to refuse version update and still enter data - discuss with dev team #560
- User name should not be all lower case in the mobile app #630
- EOC users don't have access to campaign data #632
- Edit bulk mode button doesn't work #631
- Not able to import population to campaing #642
- Switching forms in Campaign Data do not update the selected form's variables #647
- Yes-No data for M2M and S2S ICM Team and Supervisor Monitoring Data not showing on the dashboard #583
- Not able to edit the LQAS form data record #657
- "Forgot your password" is not working #445
- Campaign list sort by 'start date' and 'end date' header not working #652
What's Changed
- Team collaboration branch by @DevSeg in #648
- Team collaboration branch - Solutions to issues #659 , #656, #653, #646, #641, #604, by @DevSeg in #663
- Preparing For July Campaign And Rounding Off Functional Fixes by @DevSeg in #674
Full Changelog: v.4.0.1...v4.0.2
Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
- Adjust Linode tier of Test server to match Staging #566
- Fix core admin unit hierarchy to match Afghanistan #482
- Need a new method of creating multiple number of Mobile users #458
- User needs to be able to directly edit campaign population through UI #469
- Import allows campaign data for areas that are not in the campaign #467
- Change caption from "Relevance Status" to "Active Status" in Configuration #559
- Disabled fields values and captions should be less faded #567
- Adding the admin units translation to local languages in Configuration page #549
- Setting deadline for forms should be campaign specific #422
- Export data file name structure #175
- Form dropdown list should be sorted based on order in JSON form #495
- Translating the admin unit dropdowns in all system pages #564
- Translating English numbers to Dari and Pashto numbers #563
- Users receive error while log in related to EAG forms #580
- Listing duplicate entities while importing in Configuration page #505
- Depending On function is not working #317
- Data timeliness report #425
- Users page should not be accessible for users that not defined #577
- Right-to-Left text direction should be apply for local languages in all system pages #565
- Correcting the error message for importing duplicate cluster code #592
- Year value in Dashboard should be without comma #593
- Cluster list validation in Configuration #586
- Renaming system captions/values #548
- Removing Publish button from Campaign Basics for EOC Users #584
- remove URL #588
- Form name translation is not available in form title #601
- Logout button text yes option: change button to "Logout now" #598
- Translating the form names in system #591
- Admin WHO_User should be able to approve/verify PCM data rows for publication #602
- Add button to publish data for WHO in record detail view #605
- Header widths in data views are too small #610
- Campaign data view hover inconsistencies #611
- Add "Un-publish" button to record-level view for postcampaign data #614
- Add dropdown to filter postcampaign data by published status #615
- Cluster Number and CCode shouldn't be listed for District level forms #572
- Add population age category for 5-10 year olds #581
- Receiving error while importing data #595
- Able to rewrite/override the cluster information in Configuration #604
- User activity summary page (#79)
- Update labels for Form Builder #618
- Refinements to publishing process #620
- EOC users should have access to the PCM phase forms #453
- Add Publisher to the list of User Roles #622
- Be able to override/rewrite the population to the Campaign Basics #623
- System should not auto-logout user during import #472
- Bulk/group management of users #609
- Log for added/archived configuration info #624
- User Activity Summary: Format Timestamp #627
- User Activity Summary permission #633
- Configuration: Active status should be included in column exports and grid view #629
- UI form builder requirements #561
- Sorting forms list in ascending order (A to Z) #585
- Prevent mobile users from adding forms based on form date #574
- Creating new mobile user category for district level forms #569
- Login: "Forgot password" link doesn't work #557
- Username must be unique for users #575
- Campaign data Importance dropdown display problems #587
- Save button doesn't work sometimes while creating users #570
- Receiving error when selecting Error Reports in Mobile Users Report #594
- Region, Province, and District dropdowns should be working based on user role #576
- Users page should not be accessible for users that not defined #577
- Clusters selection is visible for all user roles #571
- Variable names are in incorrect position in csv exports, "community" is showing #606
- Form Access selection is not working #607
- Variable names row missing from csv exports #589
- Language of some part of the system get change to the previous selected language #539
- Post campaign forms are not available #619
Full Changelog: v4.0...v.4.0.1
Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
- Renaming the tabs in Report page #431
- Users should be able to select and entre data to the admin units that selected in Associate Campaign #423
- Generate JSON data dictionary as a CSV export for Form and Diagram Definitions for easy retrieval and dynamic update #403
- Query functionality for campaign data (indicator query module)
- JSON mapping console for linking relational variables within the defined database (PostgreSQL in our case) #64
- Allow for District-level data collection #348
- Restrict Import permissions #488
- Changes on Support/Feedback page #457
- Sorting campaigns by start date #342
- Changes on About page #499
- here shouldn't be any limitation on accessing pre-campaign and intra-campaign data to EOC_Users #434
- Import feature should validate data using form logic #455
- User materials in About page should be open in new tab #451
- Adding Admin Cov Report as a tab on Report page #447
- Switch chart has a sub-menu switching to which charts #362
- Add checkbox to select all in bulk edit mode #462
- Add attribute to each data records at creation to indicate its method of input #473
- Remove default list view from Campaigns/Campaign Data landing page #478
- Add campaign-level variable to designate a campaign as a training #479
- Population Import template needs to be updated #468
- Import window should indicate which form is being imported #470
- Configuration entities should be editable only for admins #502
- Setting validation on configuration unites #503
- Setting validation on users #504
- District-level data collection should not have a cluster dropdown #471
- Add a "Analytics" left-menu button in Staging (new UI) linked to sub-URL #506
- Add a "sub-URL" for Shiny use #507
- Adding Import button in Configuration page #528
- Adding APMIS name under login logo #531
- Adding campaign log #501
- System should not auto-logout user during import #472
- Improve population imports to identify duplicates and assign to error reports #442
- Font and paragraph setting for Dari and Pashto (also English) LTR/RTL (#78
- Platform upgrade, improve UI #202
- Adding error dropdown filter on Report page #424
- Adding user information in mobile app #500
- Village Code in LQAS form is not correct #538
- Setting validation rules on campaign actions #530
- Import template file name should be specific #551
- Provide for server-side integration of R Shiny support for advanced visualizations #419
- Adding "x" for drop down filters in order to deselect the items in list #527
- Campaign drop down lists should be sorted by Start Date #550
- Adding EAG category details #547
- Not able to create a new user #546
- Remove pivot feature #534
- Adding FLWs Operation Kit as a tab on Report page #448
- Redesign user page layout #552
- Adding Mobile app guide in About page #436
- Adding latest version release date in Mobile app #529
- 7-day daywise form in mobile app is not complete #525
- Translating Yes-No radio buttons and dropdown lists in Mobile App #537
- Some of closed campaign are available in campaign list of mobile app #433
- "Forgot your password" is not working #445
- DC Daily Compilation Sheet Visit Date Validation based on Form Date #446
- Support page is not working #461
- URGENT: File size for import does not exceed 20mb per import #406
- The campaign page is not available on Test server (Issue #483)
- Date formatting of 'Visit Date' field #460
- When deleting a row via bulk actions the pop up confirmation is wrong #465
- Data Completeness won't load the ICM Completion report #486
- Bulk edit button disappears after one use #466
- Report in Completion Analysis is not accurate #432
- Province filter in Aggregate Report is not working #449
- Legend error: Population data missing when admin data is filtered to cluster level #452
- Dropdown and Radio button values won't be saved #533
- Screen timeout causes data to be wiped from active form on mobile #358
- Not able to open some of data rows #526
- Required Yes-No radio buttons don't work as Required #540
- After logging out and logging back in, Dashboard is shown but the last page is highlighted orange #535
- Form translation of local languages is not available in system #542
- In Report/Completeness report, sorting the list is not working #532
- Improve or eliminate Campaign Statistics page #261
- Year dropdown list is showing multiple years #545
Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
Support page is not working #461
File size for import does not exceed 20mb per import #406 (Enhancement)
Renaming the tabs in Report page #431
Users should be able to select and entre data to the admin units that selected in Associate Campaign #423
Generate JSON data dictionary as a CSV export for Form and Diagram Definitions for easy retrieval and dynamic update #403
Adding Mobile app guide in About page #436
Bug Fixes
Some of closed campaign are available in campaign list of mobile app #433
Forgot your password" is not working #445
DC Daily Compilation Sheet Visit Date Validation based on Form Date #446
v 3.1.9
- JSON Map builder component display on the dashboard (e.g., inaccessibility, microplanning maps) for geo mapping (Angular Map | Data Visualization Tools | Binding JSON Files | Infragistics) (#35)
- JSON mapping console for linking relational variables within the defined database (PostgreSQL in our case) (#64)
- Showing percentage till 2 digits after decimal point #355
- Ability to select multiple data rows and delete them #340
- Improving search algorithm #356
- Campaign target must be campaign-specific #323
- Allow for District-level data collection #348
- Filtering in Campaign Data is not working perfectly #344
- Change font color from blue to green for the colored text on the Dashboard Cards and reduce size of cards below 25% of the whole page #393
- Create wiki for server set up, database and system configuration documentation #367
- Transferring characteristics of an old campaign to new campaign #361
- Update Wiki with JSON syntax documentation for all form and diagram definitions #368
- Ability to publish post-campaign monitoring charts to EOC users (dashboard) #378
- Adding Year to Dashboard and Campaign pages #388
- Add a dropdown admin level for “cluster” (currently the lowest level displayed is district) #394
- Add a “Support/Feedback” option on the left side menu #396
- Ability to Export list of users based on the filter (Issue #397)
- Changes in Campaign Statistics page #421
- Bringing back the title of Campaigns page #404
- Heading of About and Support pages should be on the top of the page #409
- Adding UI element for setting data entry deadline for forms #405
- Adding NEOC logo under APMIS logo only for EOC_Users #410
- If mobile user open ICM H2H Household Monitoring checklist app will be restart (Issue #400)
- Add a dropdown admin level for “cluster” (currently the lowest level displayed is district) #394
- Campaigns page is not available for EOC_Users #416
- APMIS system is very slow after new regions have been added to the system and server connection gets lost #413
- Target Population not displayed in Dashboard even after Population Import #412
- Common User won't hold check marked #415
v 3.1.8
- Target Population Filtering by region, province or disctrict only filters the first record within any selected admin level #322
- Extracting Mobile Users report #308
- Ability to publish read-only post campaign monitoring data to EOC users #379
- Error when region filter is selected #386
- Renaming districts risk category #385
- UI improvements for designating users as Common Users #371
- Filtering in Campaign Data is not working perfectly #344
- Target population (PopulationGroup_0_4) as a numerator in calculations #333
- Table view column heading formats #329
- Campaign area unit completeness report page for administrative data #185
- Pre-campaign monitoring phase should be accessible for EOC users #375
- Mobile users management #373
- Campaign target must be campaign-specific #323
- Associate Campaigns (Non-NID) with specific areas #164
- Target population (PopulationGroup_0_4) on Dashboard to filter as an aggregate of the total population based on only associated campaign areas #332
- Renaming User Role titles #372
- Showing the number of data rows in campaign data page #353
- Table view column heading formats #329
- Associate Campaigns (Non-NID) with specific areas #164
- New features to Open/Close Campaign button #282
- Other user roles should not be allowed to "Archive" the configuration units #363
- DC permission limits #370
- Changes in Configuration page #387
- Users should not be able to Edit and Delete a data row from a closed campaign #354
- Setting CCode as default value #374
- Sync Indicator for Mobile app #287
- Set an identification data rows in mobile app for separating synched data rows from not synched data to the system #312
- Change question test in mobile app to Sentence case (standard text), not ALL CAPS #273
- Screen timeout causes data to be wiped from active form on mobile #358
- Remove the swipe down gesture to send data #357
v 3.1.7
Change Log
- Delay on resulting a calculation (form) #281
- Warn user after result of a failed logical test #216
- Filtering on Campaign Data #191
- Removing "Team Supervisor" and "Import User" from User Role list #305
- Configuration: Format admin unit ID (e.g., DCODE) as integers without commas #291
- Add categorical variable for Users to be designated as "common users" #309
- Adding "Training" to form category #347
- Form Access should be specify based on organization #346
- Timed logout buttons text #345
- Admin National Coordinator be able to manage Mobile Users #343
- Sorting campaigns by start date #342
- Specify the campaign status being "Closed" or "Open" #341
- Table view column heading formats #329
- Campaign area unit completeness report page for administrative data #185
- Renaming "Report" to "Archive" in from category #326
- Configuration exports should contain full hierarchy for admin units with codes #325
- Applying new user permission on system sections #293
- Ability to display Targeted Children (populationAgeGroup) as a calculatable data element on the JSON form definition or diagram JSON definition #195
- Mobile app does not default to last used campaign #253
- Logging out from mobile app and logging in as District Coord allows access to previous user's data #270
- Mobile app does not keep the latest language settings and changes #285
- Change label text for mobile app version #311
- Ability to Exit from Mobile app #284
- Renaming Sync buttons in mobile app #289
- Preventing duplicate entry by mobile app #219
- Dropping 3 dots in Setting Mobile app #283
- Fields with expression logical check function are hidden in mobile app #351
- Admin Regional and Provincial Coordinator be able to manage Mobile Users #335
- Confirmation notice before deleting a data row in mobile app #334
- Ability to translate more than one dropdown in form #306
- Mobile app version label is wrong #310
- Error message is showing next to fields label #318
- User-self password reset works but generates error if user clicks save after #268
- Not able to synch the system setting #316
- User is able to submit data even with logical check error #313
- Export is not working #330
- Data of daywise form #328