Change Log
This release contains bug fixes from the last push and new improvements
- System should not auto-logout user during import #472
- User without bulk action delete permissions can see delete button #701
- Add "Validation" as a form category #702
- Sorting cluster numbers from smallest to largest #266
- Export JSON form from Form Manager #697
- Set clusters floating status to normal #693
- Multiselect filter for roles dropdown in user list #692
- Add "SIA" to Round Campaign Basics #698
- Change tab label "Configuration" to "Geography" #715
- Admin and National Data managers should be able to edit the Cluster #694
- Region/province/district filters not working for some users #708
- Exported csv files need UTF-8 encoding #706
- Transposed data export headers and functionality #707
- Opening default page does not highlight Campaign Data tab #732
- Warning popup when reassigning clusters #729
- Add Export button on all tabs of User Activity Summary page #687
- Multi-select for region/province/district selections in the 'Campaign Data' page filters #711
- Form Manager: Show column for last edit date #724
- Population import fields should be required #695
- user login deactivation after extended time period #691
- Field ID should not be auto generated in Form Manager #736
- Set default language of users to English.#738
- Take out Dry run button from all import module of all system sections #746
- Cluster API endpoint that returns all clusters #740
- Add User Permission dropdown #744
- JSON forms need commenting mechanism #207
- Setting validation rule on LQAS lot cluster number #600
- Cluster number should be visible first #700
- Enable notifications on Mobile app #359
- Depending dropdown value should be reset after yes-no switch #741
- Validation is working twice for LQAS lot cluster validation #747
- Calculation is stored/displayed as decimals #753
- In bulk mode, publish and verify only processes 30 records #696
- Clicking bulk edit mode then "important" in dropdown causes checkbox to disappear #705
- Configuration > Change Log > sort by date not working #717
- Data Timeliness report sort function not working, extra dropdown #720
- Web app label special characters displaying incorrectly #728
- Admin Data Completeness report not loading #713
- FLW Operation report generates error message #719
- User Activity Summary Search and Filter functionality #721
- R-Click on dashboard sidebar tab opens wrong link #718
- Assigning role of Regional Observer prevents login #727
- Sorting data by Source causes an error #752
- Mobile App 1.0.35 can crash during Synch #726
- Editing data on web will make data not available on Mobile app #751
- Import process #703