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fixed reg_svg hopefully
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rowanreader committed Feb 27, 2024
1 parent 36e81f8 commit 457b8ff
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Showing 31 changed files with 174 additions and 38 deletions.
25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git wget build-essential g++ gcc cmake
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 python && \
pip3 install --upgrade pip==20.3.4 && \
cd ~

# Install c3d
RUN wget && \
tar -xzvf c3d-nightly-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz && mv c3d-1.1.0-Linux-x86_64 /opt/c3d && \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ RUN python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY . .

# Download models, store in directory

RUN mkdir -p /src/icvmapp3r/models && \
wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1XJqs_kagiXQPxm_kbUiCMayputKKDP99" -O /src/icvmapp3r/models/hfb_t1only_mcdp_224iso_multi_model_weights.h5 && \
rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt && \
Expand All @@ -70,6 +71,28 @@ RUN mkdir -p /src/icvmapp3r/models && \
rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt && \
wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1wDFsMGxXZeqdrU3Ic2ITQztU772Vy8Hu" -O /src/icvmapp3r/models/hfb_t1t2_mcdp_multi_model.json && \
rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

RUN set -x \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
fsl-core \
'^libxcb.*-dev' \
libx11-xcb-dev \
libglu1-mesa-dev \
libxrender-dev \
libxi-dev \
libxkbcommon-dev \
libxkbcommon-x11-dev \

# these break the build, not sure why/how to fix
ARG USER=jacqueline
RUN addgroup --gid 1000 jacqueline
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' --uid 1000 --gid 1000 jacqueline

# Run icvmapper when the container launches
ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash
Binary file added data/AMIE_168_T1_nu.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/AMIE_168_T1_nu_masked.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/AMIE_168_T1_nu_masked_std_orient.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/AMIE_168_T1_nu_std_orient.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/C6-01-029_200124_T1.nii
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/C6-01-029_200124_T1.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/C6-01-029_200124_T1_std_orient.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/icvT1.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/icvT1_std_orient.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/output.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/output12G.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/output16G.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/output3.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/output3_std_orient.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/output_std_orient.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/pred_process/output_trim_mosaic.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/pred_process/output_trim_rgb.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/pred_process_hfb/hfb_pred.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/pred_process_hfb/hfb_prob.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/qc/output_seg_qc.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions icvmapper/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,13 @@ def get_parser():

# --------------

# reg_svg
reg__svg_parser = reg_svg.parsefn()
parser_reg_svg = subparsers.add_parser('reg_svg', add_help=False, parents=[reg_svg_parser], usage=reg_svg_parser.usage)

# --------------

# utils biascorr
Expand Down
178 changes: 142 additions & 36 deletions icvmapper/qc/
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,24 +2,26 @@
import glob
import argparse
import argcomplete
import sys

import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import svgwrite
from nilearn.plotting import plot_roi
from nilearn.image import new_img_like
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import ImageDraw
from nipype.interfaces.ants.visualization import CreateTiledMosaic
from nipype.interfaces.ants.visualization import ConvertScalarImageToRGB

'R' : 'x',
'P' : 'y',
'A' : 'y',
'S' : 'z',
'I' : 'z',}

1 : 'y',
2 : 'z'}

def parsefn():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s -i [ img ] \n\n'
"Create tiled mosaic of segmentation overlaid on structural image")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s -f fixed_file -r registered_file [-o output_file] [-s segmentation_file] [-sl slices] [-sc scale] [-c] [-cr min max] \n\n'
"Create svg to check the quality of registration between a fixed image and registered image")

required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')

Expand All @@ -31,6 +33,12 @@ def parsefn():
optional.add_argument('-s', '--seg', type=str, metavar='', help="segmentation mask")
optional.add_argument('-sl', '--slices', type=int, metavar='', help="number of slices",
optional.add_argument('-sc', '--scale', type=int, metavar='', help="scale of interval between slices",
optional.add_argument('-c', '--color', action='store_true', help="display registered image in color scale",
optional.add_argument('-cr', '--color_range', nargs=2, type=int, metavar=('min', 'max'), help="display registered image in colour scale within range min to max",
default=(None, None))
optional.add_argument('-o', '--out', type=str, metavar='', help="output image filename")

return parser
Expand All @@ -44,6 +52,12 @@ def parse_inputs(parser, args):
reg = args.reg
seg = args.seg if args.seg else None
slices = args.slices
scale = args.scale
color = args.color
minimum, maximum = args.color_range

if isinstance(minimum, int) and isinstance(maximum, int) and not(color):
color = True

out_dir = None
out_file = None
Expand All @@ -56,13 +70,63 @@ def parse_inputs(parser, args):

prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(out_file))[0]

return fixed, reg, seg, slices, out_dir, out_file, prefix
return fixed, reg, seg, slices, scale, color, minimum, maximum, out_dir, out_file, prefix

def get_orient(image):
return nib.aff2axcodes(image.affine)

def generate_pngs(fixed_file, reg_file, prefix, seg_file=None, output_dir=None, slices=5):
def generate_tile_image(input_img, output_img, axis, slices, image_type, seg_img, color_scale, preprocdir):
''' Given dimension, slice indices of image, extract slices at filename and save them to filename

img = nib.load(input_img)

slice_count = img.shape[axis]
slices_shifted = (np.array(slices) + (slice_count // 2))
slices_shifted = [str(i) for i in slices_shifted]

width_padding = str((max(img.shape) - img.shape[axis - 2]) // 2)
height_padding = str(((max(img.shape) - img.shape[axis - 1]) // 2) + 10)

# generate image with specific slices
mosaic_slicer = CreateTiledMosaic()
mosaic_slicer.inputs.input_image = input_img
mosaic_slicer.inputs.output_image = output_img
mosaic_slicer.inputs.slices = "x".join(slices_shifted)
mosaic_slicer.inputs.tile_geometry = "1x"+str(len(slices_shifted))
mosaic_slicer.inputs.direction = axis
mosaic_slicer.inputs.pad_or_crop = '[ '+width_padding+'x '+height_padding+' , '+width_padding+'x '+height_padding+' ,0]'
mosaic_slicer.inputs.flip_slice = "0x1"

# apply color scale to registered image
if image_type == 'reg' and color_scale:
mosaic_slicer.inputs.alpha_value = 1
mosaic_slicer.inputs.rgb_image = os.path.join(preprocdir, image_type+'_rgb.nii.gz')

mosaic_slicer.inputs.alpha_value = 0
mosaic_slicer.inputs.rgb_image = input_img

# draw left, right, slice number
tiled_image =
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(tiled_image)
offset = tiled_image.width // len(slices)

for i in range(len(slices)):
draw.text((5 + i*offset, tiled_image.height - 20),ORIENTATION_DICT[axis]+"="+str(slices[i]),(255,255,255))

if ORIENTATION_DICT[axis] != "x":
draw.text((20 + i*offset, 20),"L",(255,255,255))
draw.text(((i+1)*offset - 25, 20),"R",(255,255,255))

def generate_pngs(fixed_file, reg_file, prefix, seg_file, color_scale, minimum, maximum, output_dir=None, slices=5, scale=15):

fixed_img = nib.load(fixed_file)
reg_img = nib.load(reg_file)
seg_img = nib.load(seg_file) if seg_file else None
Expand All @@ -77,33 +141,62 @@ def generate_pngs(fixed_file, reg_file, prefix, seg_file=None, output_dir=None,
if seg_img and get_orient(seg_img) != get_orient(reg_img):
raise Exception("The segmentation mask's orientation is different than the others")

if slices*scale >= min(fixed_img.shape):
raise Exception("The slice and/or scale inputs are too large, exceed the dimensions of the registration and fixed images")

# generate blank image
if seg_file:
mask_img = seg_file
mask_img = new_img_like(fixed_img, np.zeros(fixed_img.shape))
if not(seg_file):
seg_file = new_img_like(fixed_img, np.zeros(fixed_img.shape))

# create output dir for intermediate images
preprocdir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'svg_process')
os.makedirs(preprocdir, exist_ok=True)

# reorient images to canonical orientation
canonical_fixed = nib.as_closest_canonical(fixed_img), os.path.join(preprocdir, 'fixed_canonical.nii.gz'))

canonical_reg = nib.as_closest_canonical(reg_img), os.path.join(preprocdir, 'reg_canonical.nii.gz'))

# set slice indices
slice_pos = [-30, -15, 0, 15, 30]
center = [int(dim / 2) for dim in fixed_img.shape]

min_slice = (slices // 2) * -scale
slice_pos = [min_slice + (i*scale) for i in range(slices)]

# generate 6 images
for img_type, img in [('fixed', fixed_img), ('reg', reg_img)]:
for direction in get_orient(fixed_img):
axis = ORIENTATION_DICT[direction]
for img_type, img in [('fixed', preprocdir+'/fixed_canonical.nii.gz'), ('reg', preprocdir+'/reg_canonical.nii.gz')]:

# make RGB
if color_scale and img_type == 'reg':
if minimum == None and maximum == None:
command = 'ConvertScalarImageToRGB 3 '+img+' '+preprocdir+'/'+img_type+'_rgb.nii.gz none hot'
converter = ConvertScalarImageToRGB()
converter.inputs.dimension = 3
converter.inputs.input_image = img
converter.inputs.output_image = os.path.join(preprocdir, img_type+'_rgb.nii.gz')
converter.inputs.colormap = 'hot'
converter.inputs.minimum_input = int(minimum)
converter.inputs.maximum_input = int(maximum)

for axis in range(0, 3):

# output
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = os.getcwd()

output_file = os.path.join(preprocdir, "{}_{}_{}.png".format(prefix, img_type, axis))

title = img_type.capitalize() if axis == 'x' else None
generate_tile_image(img, output_file, axis, slice_pos, img_type, seg_file, color_scale, preprocdir)

plot_roi(mask_img, img, display_mode=axis, cut_coords=(-30, -15, 0, 15, 30), title=title, output_file=output_file)

if color_scale and img_type == 'reg':

def combine_png(out_dir, prefix):
Expand All @@ -125,25 +218,32 @@ def combine_png(out_dir, prefix):
reg_pngs = [ for x in reg_images]

width = fixed_pngs[0].width
height = sum([svg.height for svg in fixed_pngs])
max_height = max([x.height for x in fixed_pngs])
height = max_height*len(fixed_pngs)

# create larger fixed and reg images before saving
fixed_image ='RGB', (width, height))

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(fixed_image)

for i, png in enumerate(fixed_pngs):
fixed_image.paste(png, (0, i * png.height))
offset = (max_height - png.height) // 2
fixed_image.paste(png, (0, (i*max_height)+offset))

draw.text((5, 5),"Fixed",(255,255,255)), 'svg_process', '{}_combined_fixed_image.png'.format(prefix)))

reg_image ='RGB', (width, height))
for j, png in enumerate(reg_pngs):
reg_image.paste(png, (0, j * png.height)), 'svg_process', '{}_combined_reg_image.png'.format(prefix)))

# remove intermediate images
for image in fixed_images:
for image in reg_images:
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(reg_image)

for j, png in enumerate(reg_pngs):
offset = (max_height - png.height) // 2
reg_image.paste(png, (0, (j*max_height)+offset))

draw.text((5, 5),"Reg",(255,255,255)), 'svg_process', '{}_combined_reg_image.png'.format(prefix)))

def compile_svg(out_dir, out_file, prefix):
Expand All @@ -162,7 +262,10 @@ def compile_svg(out_dir, out_file, prefix):
fixed_relpath = os.path.relpath(fixed_png, out_dir)
reg_relpath = os.path.relpath(reg_png, out_dir)

dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(out_file)
fixed =
size = (fixed.width, fixed.height)

dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(out_file, size)
background = dwg.add(svgwrite.image.Image(reg_relpath))
foreground = dwg.add(svgwrite.image.Image(fixed_relpath))

Expand All @@ -173,8 +276,11 @@ def compile_svg(out_dir, out_file, prefix):

def main(args):
parser = parsefn()
fixed, reg, seg, slices, out_dir, out_file, prefix = parse_inputs(parser, args)
fixed, reg, seg, slices, scale, color, minimum, maximum, out_dir, out_file, prefix = parse_inputs(parser, args)

generate_pngs(fixed, reg, prefix, seg, out_dir, slices)
generate_pngs(fixed, reg, prefix, seg, color, minimum, maximum, out_dir, slices, scale)
combine_png(out_dir, prefix)
compile_svg(out_dir, out_file, prefix)
compile_svg(out_dir, out_file, prefix)

if __name__ == "__main__":
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion icvmapper/segment/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
from icvmapper.utils import endstatement
from icvmapper.deep.predict import run_test_case
from icvmapper.preprocess import biascorr
from icvmapper.qc import seg_qc
from icvmapper.qc import seg_qc, reg_svg
import subprocess
import warnings
from termcolor import colored
Expand Down

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