REL v0252
This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution.
It contains new features and fixes since version 0251.
New firmware
- Maxim MAX32620 HIC and MAX32625MBED board
- Wio 3G and BG96
- MTB based accono acn52832
- MTB based stm32l475
- MTB based stm32f439
- LPC55S69Xpresso board
- LPC54018 IoT module board
- MTB based lpc11u35_mtb_laird_bl654_if
- MTB based lpc11u35_mtb_murata_bl241_if
- MTB based lpc11u35_mtb_stm_s2lp_if
- Added under reset connection on debug.
- Added multiple ram and flash region check.
- Change default rom settings auto_rst to 1.
- Update pyOCD version to 0.16.0
- Disable interrupt in debug state.
- Make storage drive persistent from host point of view/ change to persistent storage for actual files created.
- Made a number of swd_host APIs public and code cleanup.
- VFS/VBR/FAT Boot Sector Signature + Bootstrap Code / Android USB OTG FIX.
- Removed premature location of sync_unlock and added one on return on VFS logic.
- Flash algo fix sectors for stm32f4xx.