- create a repo in git hub and clone it in a directory for VS Code
- run 'npm create@latest .' and follow promps to create a react using javascript.
- run 'npm i' to install npm
- run 'npm run dev' to run application
- copy local host and past into browser to show app
- delete assets in the sorce folder
- remove everything from app.css except root
- move root from index.css to App.css and delete index.css if you want all of the css in one file
- ensure main.jsx imports App.css and not index.css
- remove import reactLogo and import vite logo from App.jsx
- delete everything inside of the App function in App.jsx
- create 'components' and 'context' folders under src
- return a statement "Hello World" by using the function inside of App.jsx
This is where the application starts. It is responsible for tying together the app's root component, any context providers or routing, and mounting it to the DOM.
- import React from 'react'
- if using routing, import {BrowserRouter} from 'react-router-dom'; and wrap your root component with it. run 'npm install react-router-dom'
- import '/App.css'
- import App from '/App.jsx
What's Happening in This File:
- Import Statements:
- React is imported for JSX transformations.
- createRoot is imported from "react-dom/client" to create a root for your app.
- BrowserRouter is imported from "react-router-dom" to handle routing.
- App is your main application component.
- ./index.css imports your global styles. Mounting the App:
- createRoot(document.getElementById("root")) finds the DOM element with the ID "root" (usually defined in your HTML file) and prepares it to host your React app.
- The .render(...) method then mounts your app inside a <React.StrictMode> wrapper (which helps highlight potential problems) and wraps your app in if you’re using client-side routing.
This process sets everything in motion—loading global styles, preparing routing, and finally displaying your application in the browser.
- create a Parent.jsx file in component folder
- import React from 'react'
- create a function named Parent. Take no inputs. return 'Hi! I am the parent'
- export default Parent at the end of the file
- Import Parent in App.jsx
- Add tag to return statment in App.jsx. You should see 'Hi! I am the parent' You just created a component and passed it to the App!! Now lets create a last name and pass it to a child.
- make a const named drilledLastName inside of the Parent function and set it equal to any last name(string)
- add {drilledLastName} to your return statement in Parent.jsx. Pay attention to the app to notice changes
- In Parent.jsx add to the return statment. This sends the Child a property (prop) lastName, and the value of the drilledLastName variable.
- create a Child.jsx file in the component folder
- import React from 'react'
- make a function named Child that takes in the {lastName} prop and return 'Hello i am the child, and my last name is {lastName}'
- Import child into Parent.jsx You should see lines of text from parent and child in the browser.
- Create Grandchild.jsx, pass the last name prop to the grandchild, and display another line of text in the browser
create LastNameContext.jsx in content folder
import { createContext } from 'react';
make a const LastNameContext variable and set it equal to createContext('Doe'). This sets the default last name
export default LastNameContext;
import LastNameContext from '../context/LastnameContext'; in Parent.jsx
Add const secondLastName = 'Johnson'; to the function
Wrap the return statment with <LastNameContext.Provider value={secondLastName}><LastNameContext.Provider>
Add const theSecondLastName = useContext(LastNameContext); to the function in Child.jsx