Releases: Aam-Digital/replication-backend
Releases · Aam-Digital/replication-backend
1.0.0 (2024-04-16)
Bug Fixes
- added default rules for config entity (d618401)
- added default rules for user entity (e0fe942)
- added error interceptor (#87) (72fcada)
- added get _session endpoint for automated login (#78) (905d384), closes #77
- added JWT_PUBLIC_KEY to Dockerfile (0146614)
- added proxy that takes care of all requests that are not handled by any controller (2b1a8b1)
- always setting the _id to the document to be put (347de6e)
- auth headers are correctly overwritten in proxy (e36ea29)
- automatically trigger clear_local when permissions changed (#131) (df2c1c4), closes #7
- await clearLocal to correctly execute it automatically (b3dfa35)
- axios errors are correctly mapped to nest exceptions (ca52330)
- axios exceptions are forwarded (9fafd56)
- changed how permissions are applied to documents without permissions (aa80fa5)
- changes correctly supports CouchDB's longpoll and heartbeat behavior (67bbc4d)
- corrected endpoint to fetch documents (761ba60)
- correctly configured sentry (4b07424)
- correctly fetching existing docs so permissions are checked correctly (6155356)
- fix allowing users to access their own user entity and allowing everyone to read the permission entity (83c66d2)
- fix regex so it correctly matches documents (9221baf)
- fixed dependency issue (37388fa)
- fixed routing registration order and execution orders (86aa7d3)
- fixed rules reload endpoint (2dd3c7e)
- fixed test (abca778)
- format of permission interface (6b6adc0)
- increase retry count (608ddc0)
- increased max body size for express (8d7dc0f)
- installed updates (c40d2b3)
- latest changes have correct sequence id (dc5173d)
- logging: silence UnauthorizedException for sentry (#139) (81a7d29), closes #138
- made info and changes endpoints public (#121) (543f25a)
- made replication controller db-agnostic (4274664)
- make sentry dns optional (3666b57)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#18) (c891dbf)
- package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#137) (c6d2e56)
- permissions are write protected (3741784)
- regex for /db/id so it does not collide with /db/_changes (8b4434e)
- removed database name environment variable and improved clear local docs (41b8aec)
- retrying to load permissions for up to 5 seconds after start (0e4517d)
- safeguard exception interceptor (32c1832)
- sentry only logs 5xx errors (d57174f)
- service provider issues with AdminService (#133) (7ef7f0a)
- supporting all_docs without include_docs=true (d55a260)
- supporting params for get /db/doc (b425e6a)
- throwing error if permissions couldn't be loaded (c06bf5f)
- trigger clear_local properly after permission change (#135) (ee96b03), closes #7
- update dependencies (#132) (c228c3b)
- update package-lock.json (db8614e)
- updated all dependencies (#80) (fbf9a83)
- updated Docker dependencies (4dab878)
- updated node dependencies (74b3160)
- updated package-lock.json (c413999)
- upgrade @nestjs/axios from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 (#50) (8711f91)
- upgrade @nestjs/axios from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 (#66) (c956425)
- upgrade @nestjs/axios from 0.0.6 to 0.0.7 (f7cb86c)
- upgrade @nestjs/config from 1.1.7 to 1.2.0 (#61) (dbaf236)
- upgrade @nestjs/passport from 8.1.0 to 8.2.0 ([bd09c67](https://gi...