A game won by picking up all dice with the same face.
Tech stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React
Making this gave me an introduction to React Hooks and local storage.
Future feature ideas:
- Add 'levels' where player can choose how many dice to play with. Show different scores per level.
- Show a list of scores once play ends to depict where player's latest score ranks on list.
Play Game: Tenzies
- 'Roll' to roll dice
- Click on dice to 'hold' them
- Continue rolling and holding until all dice are held with the same value
- Can press 'Restart' button at anytime to restart game
- Can log score to local storage using the 'Log Score' button. Only the lowest score is shown
This is a project from a Scrimba React tutorial (Youtube Link) (game tuturial begins at timestamp: 9:51:34) to which I have added the following:
- Die faces
- Roll counter
- Elapsed time
- Restart button
- Score log button
- Current score
- Best score stored in local storage