This project contains a Python script to fetch and validate data files from multiple GitHub repositories. It is designed to scrape repositories for CSV and XLSX files, validate their contents against a specified format, and summarize the findings in a CSV report. (Please note that this code may take some time to run, especially if processing a large number of repositories, as it involves web scraping and validation of multiple files from each repository.Also there are many degug statements, they give details about the repository and files while running. )
Script Details
Fetch Repository Content: The fetch_repo_content(repo_url) function fetches the content of a given repository URL. It uses the requests library to make an HTTP GET request and parses the response content with BeautifulSoup.
Parse HTML Content: The parse_repo_content(soup, base_url) function parses the HTML content of the repository page to extract file URLs and subdirectories. It looks for links with the class Link--primary.
Validate Data Files: The validate_data_file(file_url, sample_df) function validates CSV and XLSX files against the sample format specified in submission_format.csv. It checks if the required columns (respondent_id, xyz_vaccine or h1n1_vaccine, and seasonal_vaccine) are present and consistent.
Process Repositories: The process_repositories(repo_urls, sample_df) function processes each repository URL to identify valid submission files. It summarizes the results, indicating whether valid submissions were found, the repository visibility, and the most recent valid submission URL.
Input Files:
links_of_submission.xlsx: Contains GitHub repository URLs.
submission_format.csv: Specifies the format criteria for data files.
Output File:
submission_results.csv: Summarizes the findings for each repository.
Here's an overview of the columns in the output DataFrame:
Repository URL: The URL of the GitHub repository being evaluated.
Submission Status: Indicates whether a valid submission was found or not.
Repository Visibility: States if the repository is Public or Private.
Submission in Root Dir: Indicates if the valid submission is located in the root directory of the repository.
Most Recent Valid Submission URL: The URL of the most recent valid submission found in the repository.