Package jsonrpc2 is a complete and strictly conforming implementation of the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol for both clients and servers.
The full specification can be found at
The simplest way to make a JSON-RPC 2.0 request is to use the provided Client.Request.
var c jsonrpc2.Client
params := []float64{1, 2, 3}
var result int
err := c.Request(nil, "http://localhost:8080", "sum", params, &result)
if _, ok := err.(jsonrpc2.Error); ok {
// received Error Request
if err != nil {
// some JSON marshaling or network error
fmt.Printf("The sum of %v is %v.\n", params, result)
For clients that do not wish to use the provided Client, the Request and Response types can be used directly.
req, _ := json.Marshal(jsonrpc2.Request{Method: "subtract",
Params: []int{5, 1},
ID: 0,
httpRes, _ := http.Post("", "application/json",
resBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(httpRes.Body)
res := jsonrpc2.Response{Result: &MyCustomResultType{}, ID: new(int)}
json.Unmarshal(respBytes, &res)
Servers define their own MethodFuncs and associate them with a name in a MethodMap that is passed to HTTPRequestHandler() to return a corresponding http.HandlerFunc. See HTTPRequestHandler for more details.
func getUser(ctx context.Context, params json.RawMessage) interface{} {
var u User
if err := json.Unmarshal(params, &u); err != nil {
return jsonrpc2.InvalidParams(err)
conn, err := mydbpkg.GetDBConn()
if err != nil {
// The handler will recover, print debug info if enabled, and
// return an Internal Error to the client.
if err := u.Select(conn); err != nil {
return jsonrpc2.NewError(-30000, "user not found", u.ID)
return u
func StartServer() {
methods := jsonrpc2.MethodMap{"version": versionMethod}
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", jsonrpc2.HTTPRequestHandler(methods))