A comprehensive database management system for factories built with Python and Tkinter. This system helps manage orders, raw materials, stocks, statistics, and undelivered orders through a graphical user interface.
Order Details Management
- View all orders
- Add new orders
- Remove existing orders
- Generate QR codes for orders
Raw Materials Management
- Track raw material inventory
- Add new materials
- Remove materials
- Monitor distributor information
- Generate QR codes for materials
Stock Management
- View current stock levels
- Track quantities and distributors
- Real-time stock monitoring
Statistics Dashboard
- View company statistics
- Track economic metrics
- Monitor governance factors
- Compare performance indicators
Undelivered Orders Tracking
- Monitor pending deliveries
- Add undelivered orders
- Remove delivered orders
- Track order status
- Python 3.x
- Required Libraries:
- tkinter
- PIL (Python Imaging Library)
- mysql.connector
- qrcode
- csv
The system requires a MySQL database named 'factory' with the following tables:
- orderdetails
- rawmaterials
- undelivered
Database Configuration:
- Host: localhost
- User: root
- Password: root
- Database: factory
- Clone the repository
- Install required dependencies:
pip install pillow
pip install mysql-connector-python
pip install qrcode
- Set up the MySQL database with the required tables
- Ensure you have the required image files:
- laptops.jpg for the main interface
- test.csv for statistics data
- Run the main script:
python Factory-Data-Management.py
- Use the main menu to navigate between different modules:
- Click "Order Details" to manage orders
- Click "Raw material inputs" to handle inventory
- Click "Stocks" to view current stock levels
- Click "Statistics" to view company metrics
- Click "Undelivered orders" to track pending deliveries
- Provide name, quantity, status, client name, and client details
- Ensure all fields are filled correctly
- Status should reflect current order state
- Include SNO (Serial Number), name, quantity, distributor, and status
- Maintain consistent unit measurements
- Update status regularly
- Enter order ID, name, quantity, status, client name, and details
- Keep status updated as delivery progresses
- Remove orders once delivered
- The system uses default database credentials
- For production use, implement proper security measures
- Regularly backup database data
- Implement user authentication as needed
- Single user system
- Local database only
- Basic security implementation
- Limited to predefined metrics in statistics
- Multi-user support
- Cloud database integration
- Enhanced security features
- Advanced analytics
- Mobile application support
- Automated backup system
- Real-time notifications
- Custom report generation
For issues and feature requests, please contact the development team or create an issue in the repository.