vim-hue is colorful Vim config for all your SRE/DevOps needs.
It features "vim-hue" dark Vim colorscheme and complete Vim configuration. Ideal for anyone using Vim and any of the following on daily basis:
- Shell (Bash)
- Golang
- Python
- Terraform
- Ansible
- Docker (Dockerfile)
- Kubernetes (templates)
- et cetera ...
Please note: vim-hue will only work on Linux and MacOS. I strongly suggest using "dark mode" or using a dark colorscheme on your terminal of choice. Only Vim >= 8 version is supported.

git clone
All requirements can be installed by running:
sudo apt install vim python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-click -y
Or by using pipenv:
pipenv install
That's it, you're ready to run vim-hue installer!
1: You need to have Brew, if not Brew can be installed by running:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
2: Install Python3 if missing and update Vim to >= 8.1
brew install python3 vim
Please note: if running vim --version
doesn't return >= 8, you may need to restart terminal for Vim symlink to be updated.
3: Use pip3
to install Click python package which is used as CLI for vim-hue installer.
pip3 install click
Or by using pipenv:
pipenv install
Now you're ready to run vim-hue installer!
vim-hue can be installed by simply running the installer and following on screen instructions, i.e:
Goal of vim-hue
is to being "vanilla" Vim as much as possible, yet to include all necessary functionality. As such it consits of:
- vimrc Vim configuration with each setting in use.
- Python3 installer
- Dark "vim-hue" color scheme
- pathogen for easy of plugin and runtime installation.
- golang plugin.
- terraform plugin.
- git-branch-info plugin.
Since I'm working on this project in free time, please consider supporting this project by making a donation of any amount!
Become a sponsor to Adnan Hodzic on Github to acknowledge my efforts and help project's further open source development.