Personal algorithms developed in Python.
- Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
- Github
Generally speaking, these directories contain leetcode solutions. Most of them work:
- backtracking
- bitManipulation
- binaryTree
- graph
- greedy
- linkedList
- list
- matrix
- string
This repository is also used as "laboratory" to test and experiment on python usage. The folliwng directory contain information related to python dependencies
- finance
- machineLearning
- math
- numpy
- objectOrientedDesign
- oop
- programmingFundamentals
- pygame
- pythonDataStructures
- semaphores
- tricks
- webScraping
Last but not least. This repository contains a big number of company problems resolved (at least most of them). You can find all under the interviews directory
This repository uses black as code formater. You can use code formatter in whole repository by executing following command:
ptyhon -m black .