Install virtualenv package:
$ pip install virtualenv
Create virtual environment, on project folder run:
$ virtualenv venv
Activate virtual environment by running the following command:
- Windows:
> source \venv\Scripts\activate.bat
- Linux/MAC OS:
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install project dependencies in the virtual environment:
(venv) ..$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This section contains instruction son how to run the Flask application in development and debug mode enabled. Make sure to have your venv activated.
We must first specify three environment variables to tell Flask to run the application on these configurations.
On the project folder, create a new file called .flaskenv
In the file add the following lines.
To run the application simply run:
(venv) ..$ flask run
(you should get something like this)
* Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading)
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on