An awesome library created by Alertu to help with implementing incoming webhooks for various applications!
- Strongly typed POCOs for the following platforms:
- Discord Webhook API
- Slack Block Kit SDK
- Microsoft Teams Message Card
- Compile-time checks for missing properties
- Type safety ensuring correct payload structure
- Leveraging existing platform SDKs and standards
Hooki is a powerful .NET library designed to simplify the creation of webhook payloads for popular platforms like Discord, Slack, and Microsoft Teams. It provides a set of strongly-typed C# POCO classes that serve as building blocks, allowing developers to easily construct and serialize webhook payloads into JSON format.
Main Benefits:
- Simplified Development: Pre-built POCOs for common webhook JSON payloads across various platforms.
- Type Safety: Strongly-typed classes ensure compile-time checks and prevent runtime errors.
- Clean Code: Eliminates the need for anonymous objects and inline JSON strings.
- Focus on Content: Concentrate on your payload's data and style rather than low-level JSON structure.
- Flexibility: Easily extensible for custom webhook requirements while maintaining type safety.
The only requirement is compatibility with .net 8.0.x or .net 9.0.x
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Hooki.Discord.Enums;
using Hooki.Discord.Models.BuildingBlocks;
using Hooki.Discord.Models;
public class DiscordWebhookService
private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory;
private readonly ILogger<DiscordWebhookService> _logger;
public DiscordWebhookService(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, ILogger<DiscordWebhookService> logger)
_httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory;
_logger = logger;
private DiscordWebhookPayload CreateDiscordPayload()
return new DiscordWebhookPayload
Username = "Alertu Webhook",
AvatarUrl = "https://example-url/image.png",
Embeds = new List<DiscordEmbed>
new DiscordEmbed
Author = new DiscordEmbedAuthor
Name = "Alertu",
Url = "https://alertu.io",
IconUrl = "https://example-url/image.png"
Title = $"Azure Metric Alert triggered",
Description = $"[**View in Alertu**](https://alertu.io) | [**View in Azure**](https://portal.azure.com)",
Color = 959721,
Fields = new List<DiscordEmbedField>
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Summary", Value = "This is a test summary", Inline = false },
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Organization Name", Value = "Test Organization", Inline = true },
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Project Name", Value = "Test Project", Inline = true },
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Cloud Provider", Value = "Azure", Inline = true },
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Resources", Value = "test-redis, test-postgreSQL", Inline = true },
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Severity", Value = "Critical", Inline = true },
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Status", Value = "Open", Inline = true },
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Triggered At", Value = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString("f"), Inline = true },
new DiscordEmbedField { Name = "Resolved At", Value = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString("f"), Inline = true }
public async Task SendWebhookAsync(string webhookUrl, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var discordPayload = CreateDiscordPayload();
var jsonString = discordPayload.Serialize();
using var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient();
var content = new StringContent(jsonString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = await client.PostAsync(webhookUrl, content, cancellationToken);
_logger.LogInformation($"Successfully posted a Discord message to the webhook URL: {webhookUrl}");
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, $"Failed to post Discord message to webhook URL: {webhookUrl}");
// Example usage
public class ExampleController
private readonly DiscordWebhookService _discordWebhookService;
public ExampleController(DiscordWebhookService discordWebhookService)
_discordWebhookService = discordWebhookService;
public async Task SendDiscordNotification()
string webhookUrl = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your-webhook-url-here";
await _discordWebhookService.SendWebhookAsync(webhookUrl, CancellationToken.None);
- Implement Unit Tests
- Implement Integration Tests
- Builders are implemented but the Slack builder needs work to be more fluent
- Implement POCOs for Discord message components
- Introduce Validation
- Support other languages?
Contributions are always welcome!
Please read Contributing for ways to get started.
Please read the Code of Conduct
Distributed under MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.