- https://nodejs.org/en/learn/getting-started/how-to-install-nodejs
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/installation-of-node-js-on-windows/
Run these in separate terminals
node invoices.js
node customers.js
Customer service can be reached at GET http://localhost:9090
Invoice service can be reached at GET http://localhost:9092
The Customer service returns data about customers. For Example:
"customers": [
"ID": 0,
"name": "Alice",
"surname": "Klark"
where ID is the unique identifier and name and surname are the name and the surname of our customer.
The Invoice service returns data about invoices. For exampls:
"invoices": [
"ID": 0,
"customerId": 0,
"amount": 12
where ID is the unique identifier, customer ID is the customer ID, which is loosely coupled with the Customer data, and the amount is the amount that our customer has been charged.
If we assume that Alice Klark has one invoice only then her total amount spent would be 12.
Write an application that calculates which customer spent the most money in our store and displays his/her name, surname, and total amount spent.
What is the best test strategy for an application like this? The team with the best test strategy will be awarded 5 extra points!
Tip: No, "I will let QA decide" is not an option
The team with highest test coverage will be awarded 5 extra points!