Cryptocurrency world is diverse and hard to grasp.But pays up nicely. There are tons of sites, exchanges, sources of information that had to be monitored. I have full time job that wont allow me to spend more than 1 hour a day to manage my crypto assets. Telegram bot can be very useful to combine and present information in secure manner. And writing software is a good way to learn ecosystem.
- Accumulate information from multiple sources to provide customizable reports
- I have multiple accounts on different exchanges, its takes a lot of time to visit all of them and compile some kind of report to understand where do i stand.
- Implement funding bot functionality to lend cryptocurrency
- Currently i use Its awesome no doubt but its does not look so hard to implement. So why trust 3rd party service with my money?
- Accumulate statistical data for later analyses.
- There is just too much information to process.
- For example arbitrage between exchanges looks tempting yet its very hard to estimate if it will succeed because of various reasons.
- Statistical data on length of transactions, error rates, perhaps some estimations for rate volatility can be very usefull in implmenting full fledged trading system.
- Telegram serves as a queue of requests. That queue can be easily distributed in the background.
- Telegram provides security for communication. No need to provide any inbound connection.
- We will use Go as primary development language Go allows fast development and deployment of the project. No need to worry about environment or os type.
- We will develop code in TDD manner. To make it more stable and predictable, and to achieve better architectual decisions.
- All sensitive information will be stored in Hashicorp vault server.
- Its easy to manage
- Very fast
- Very stable
- Scalable
- Has flexible user management system.
- We will use Travis as CI service.
- I didnt decided about DB server yet.
- I usualy use MySQL and MongoDB in most of my projects.
- Another candidate can be nuodb. Looks scalable and promising.
- Vault has option to encrypt data so only authenticated user can decrypt it. I want to use it to encrypt individual records to provide more security.
- I will use ELK stack to accumulate statistics about system functionality
- Service will be deployed in AWS at first.