This software has been developed by Alexandre Burel for internal use inside LSMBO only. To start the application, double-click on the file raw-cleaner.bat
Open settings file in config/settings.json Important: for all paths, make sure to use either "/" or "\" as separators
You should only change the following values:
- rawDataDirectory : the local raw data directory, such as "D:/Data".
- archiveDirectory : the remote archive directory, such as "V:\Q-Exactive-Plus 2019". This software expects to find years and months directories from this point.
- machineIdentifiers : the letter used to recognize raw data, such as "Q" for the Q-Exactive Plus. You can set multiple identifiers, separated with a space character (ie. "Q X").
- defaultReportDirectory : the directory suggested when exporting data
The next values can be modified by the administrator only
rawDataExtension : the list of raw files extensions. Like machineIdentifiers, you can set multiple extensions separated with a space character.
minimalNumberOfMonthsBeforeDeletion : we should only delete data older than 3 months, do not change this value without warning the administrators.
minimalUnarchivedFilesBeforeWarning : when parsing the files, if more than this number of files are not archived when they should have been you will get a warning.
msaccessPath : the path to the ms-access.exe executable, it should be inside a ProteoWizard directory.
defaultTempDirectory : the directory used to store temporary files. These files should be deleted automatically when closing the software
The settings machineIdentifiers and rawDataExtension are used to recognize raw data in the list of files. If a file or directory starts with one of the machine identifiers and ends with one of the raw data extensions, it will be considered as a raw file and will be checked for corruption. Make sure to provide information that will only identify true raw data, otherwise you may have a lot of corrupted files, just because ms-access will not be able to read them.