The ARIMA model is a popular and widely used statistical method for time series forecasting. Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models predict future values based on past values. They are widely used in technical analysis to forecast future security prices. In this model, I want the user to select the pair currency exported by meta trader or another broker that exports the .csv file. Then based on predicted outputs by using ARIMA as a prediction model for these time series, I suggest to the user which pair currencies can move up or down to open a position Long or Short. In this model, you can check the critical fundamental data from the forex factory website, which is so vital for a trader to affect the market and ignore the pair currencies that have high impact news or any update in the current day. After that, you can check your final pair currency in different Dataframe to take your Take profit and stop loss in that Dataframe and have a good view for entering. So, in the end, we are facing one or two par currencies that are so safe to invest in as a short time analysis.
This comprehensive model is based on ARIMA for the Forex Market involved Technical and Fundamental Analysis.