ArtistBlock is a drawing and photo sharing app that is similar to Instagram but using Parse as its backend.
- Category: Social Networking and Drawing
- Mobile: This app would be primarily developed for mobile but would perhaps be just as viable on a computer, such as instagram or other similar apps. Functionality wouldn't be limited to mobile devices, however mobile version could potentially have more features.
- Story: Allows users to interact with other users on the app.
- Market: Any individual could choose to use this app, and to keep it a safe environment, people would be organized into age groups.
- Habit: This app could be used as often or unoften as the user wanted depending on how much they enjoy drawing/doodling, and meeting like-minded individuals.
- Scope: First we would start with pairing people based on similar drawing styles and/or mutual followers, then perhaps this could evolve into a art sharing application as well to broaden its usage.
Required Must-have Stories
- User can sign up to create a new account using Parse authentication.
- User can log in and log out of his or her account.
- The current signed in user is persisted across app restarts.
- User can take a photo, add a caption, and post it to "ArtistBlock".
- User picks what their favorite artist/art-style is. (Think Spotify interface)
- Matches have a chat window to get to know each other, with the ability to unmatch (Tinder Style).
- Profile pages for each user
- Settings (Accesibility, Notification, General, etc.)
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- Page of most liked pictures/art (i.e. posts that most users are connecting through)
- Profile Add-On: Top artist/art-style choices, etc.
- Login
- Register - User signs up or logs into their account
- Upon Download/Reopening of the application, the user is prompted to log in to gain access to their profile information to be properly matched with another person.
- Publish - User publishes their art
- Draw - User can draw and publish on the app
- Publish - User can post a pre-drawn picture
- Messaging Screen - Chat for users to communicate (direct 1-on-1)
- Upon selecting art style users matched and message screen opens
- Profile Screen
- Allows user to upload a photo and fill in information that is interesting to them and others
- Category Selection Screen.
- Allows user to be able to choose their desired art category to better organize their drawings and begin interacting with other artists.
- Settings Screen
- Lets people change app notification settings.
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Artists Gallery
- Profile
- Settings
- Discover (Top Choices)
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Forced Log-in -> Account creation if no log in is available
- Publish -> Auto refreshes Artists Gallery with user's post on top
- Drag down -> Refreshes Artists Gallery
- Profile -> Text field to be modified.
- Settings -> Toggle settings
Figma Link:
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | String | unique id for the user post (default field) |
author | Pointer to User | image author |
image | File | image that user posts |
caption | String | image caption by author |
commentsCount | Number | number of comments that has been posted to an image |
likesCount | Number | number of likes for the post |
createdAt | DateTime | date when post is created (default field) |
updatedAt | DateTime | date when post is last updated (default field) |
List of network requests by screen
Home feed screen
- (Read/GET) Query all posts where user is author
let query = PFQuery(className:"Post") query.whereKey("author", equalTo: currentUser) query.order(byDescending: "createdAt") query.findObjectsInBackground { (posts: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) } else if let posts = posts { print("Successfully retrieved \(posts.count) posts.") // TODO: Do something with posts... } }
- (Create/POST) Create a new like on a post
- (Delete) Delete existing like
- (Create/POST) Create a new comment on a post
- (Delete) Delete existing comment
- (Read/GET) Query all posts where user is author
Create Post Screen
- (Create/POST) Create a new post object
Profile Screen
- (Read/GET) Query logged in user object
- (Update/PUT) Update user profile image
The following required functionality is completed:
- User can sign up to create a new account using Parse authentication.
- Create Login Page
- User can log in and log out of his or her account.
- Add features to Login Page
- The current signed in user is persisted across app restarts.
- User can draw, add a caption, and post it to "ArtistBlock".
- User can view the last 20 posts submitted to "ArtistBlock".
- User can pull to refresh the last 20 posts submitted to "ArtistBlock".
- User Profile Page
- Create Feed Activity Page
- Add Bottom Navigation
- Create Sign Up Page
- The user should switch between different tabs - viewing all posts (feed view), compose (capture photos form camera) and profile tabs (posts made) using fragments and a Bottom Navigation View. (2 points)
The following optional features are implemented:
- User sees app icon in home screen and styled bottom navigation view
- After the user submits a new post, show an indeterminate progress bar while the post is being uploaded to Parse.
The following additional features are implemented:
- User sees app icon in home screen and styled bottom navigation view
- Style the feed to look like wireframes, etc.
- User can load more posts once he or she reaches the bottom of the feed using infinite scrolling.
- Show the username and creation time for each post.
- User can tap a post to view post details, including timestamp and caption.
- User Profiles - [x] Allow the logged in user to add a profile photo - [x] Display the profile photo with each post - [ ] Tapping on a post's username or profile photo goes to that user's profile page and shows a grid view of the user's posts
- User can comment on a post and see all comments for each post in the post details screen.
- User can like a post and see number of likes for each post in the post details screen.
Set up Parse Server and Dashboard, Implementation of Login and Logout feature and created log in page:
Set up home feed, bottom navigation, sign up page, and implemented a basic structure for our drawing fragment as well: