To be able to use this repository and handover your code, you need to have remote access to Github.
Configure git
In order to commit and push your changes, you need identitify yourself.
Open a (git)bash, enter directory MakeAIWork3 and run:
install/ {your_github_username} {[email protected]}
This script will also set the pull policy to rebase.
Push your repository
git push -u origin master
Make your remote github repository accessible to the teachers
- Sign in to and select MakeAIWork3
- Go to Settings and select Collaborators
- Add fsmitskamp, hakoptak and AlxcNL as collaborators
Make your remote git respository private
Scroll down the Settings page of your remote git respository MakeAIWork3 yo Danger Zone.
- Click Change visibility and select Change to private
*** Required software Watch instruction videos at YouTube for detailed installation instructions of the required software.
(Optional) Create new virtual Python environment
(Optional) Copy virtual environment from MakeAIWork3 (Windows)
cp -r ../MakeAIWork3/env .
Install Python libraries