Themtfy is a lightweight JavaScript library for displaying toast notifications on web pages. It allows you to easily create customizable toast messages with various configuration options.
- Create toast notifications with custom titles and body text.
- Choose from different icon styles for your notifications.
- Customize the position and appearance of toast notifications.
- Automatically close notifications after a specified time.
- Allow users to close notifications manually.
You can install Themtfy via npm:
npm install themtfy
import Themtfy from 'themtfy';
import "path/to/themtfy/dist/style.css";
const toast = new Themtfy({options});
position: "top-right", //default
title: "Your title goes here",//default
body: "Your text goes here.", //default
icon: "default" //default
variation: "default" //default
autoClose: 1000, //time in ms
onClose: () => {},
canClose: true, //default
showProgress: true, //default
backgroundColor: false, //default white
textColor: false, //default black
distanceX: false, //default 16px
distanceY: false, //default 16px
all positions values: "top-right", "top-center", "top-left", "center-right", "center-center", "center-left", "bottom-right", "bottom-center", "bottom-left"
icons: "default", "success", "warning", "error", "info"
variation: "default", "success", "warning", "error", "info"