Heya, i'm sure you guys will receive Messages in Channels/Direct about Free Nitro, Nitro Airdrop etc... and they wont stop lol.
Soo, i just wrote this discord bot using Discord.JS v13 to detect them, and punish them.
default Punishment is timeout, if you want to customize it check discord.js docs.
Contributions are always welcome!
Feel free to PR for adding new blacklisted domains / words or even code changes :)
1- Install nodeJS and Discord.JS => https://discordjs.guide/preparations/
2- Edit config/config.json
"clientId": "", --> Add your Client ID Here
"guildId": "", --> Add your Server(Guild) ID Here
"token": "", --> Add your Bot Token Here
"BotSetting": {
"logChannel": "" --> Add Channel ID to Log Stuff!
Nope, feel free to fork/PR.
Add / Suggest us more domains / words to blacklist :).