A collection of my contributions to TidyTuesday.
Please note, I often use #TidyTuesday to develop my technical abilities in data visualisation at the expense of not always producing something particularly meaningful or useful.
27/07/2021 Week 31: Olympic Medals (code)
I'm fascinated by the huge variation in heights (136-223cm) and weights (28-182kg) in past Olympians.
20/07/2021 Week 30: US Droughts (code)
I find this colour scheme really satisfying.
13/07/2021 Week 29: Scooby Doo (code)
I just went with a really quick network plot of common bigrams this week.
06/07/2021 Week 28: International Independence Days (code)
I've always found network graphs really confusing to code.
22/06/2021 Week 27: Animal Rescues (code)
Histogram legends > normal legends
22/06/2021 Week 26: Public Park Access (code)
Finally found a reason to use trigonometric functions in a visualisation.
15/06/2021 Week 25: WEB Du Bois and Juneteenth (code)
I ran out of ideas this week so brushed up on some simple text analyses.
08/06/2021 Week 24: Great Lakes Fish (code)
First time using a map as a legend - I should probably do this more often.
01/06/2021 Week 23: Survivor TV Show (code)
There was huge variation in total votes received for each personality type, but extroverts were generally more popular.
25/05/2021 Week 22: Mario Kart World Records (code)
I've only just discovered the ggflags package - this solves so many labelling problems.
18/05/2021 Week 21: Ask a Manager Salary Survey (code)
I'm really enjoying learning about using tokenized text as predictors in modelling from https://smltar.com/
11/05/2021 Week 20: US Broadband (code)
My first time using the amazing ggiraph package, visualising broadband access and usage across the US.
04/05/2021 Week 19: Water Access Points (code)
I just wanted an excuse to plot a bivariate map this week :)
27/04/2021 Week 18: CEO Departures (code)
Text analysis is certainly growing on me. Even fairly simplistic frequency statistics are so insightful.
20/04/2021 Week 17: Netflix Titles (code)
I'm still figuring out these network plots, but this was interesting nonetheless.
13/04/2021 Week 16: US Post Offices (code)
It's so satisfying to watch the wave of post offices move west.
06/04/2021 Week 15: Global deforestation (code)
First time making use of geom_sankey_bump and I'm loving it.
30/03/2021 Week 14: Makeup Shades (code)
Just a quick and simple plot this week, but I discovered scale_colour_identity() so well worth it :)
23/03/2021 Week 13: UN Votes (code)
UMAP dimensionality reduction for the UN voting patterns (inspired by Julia Silge's blog post) split by issue and continent.
16/03/2021 Week 12: Video Games + Sliced (code)
Quite an intriguing EDA this week. What happened to games releasing with less than 10 average players after 2018?
09/03/2021 Week 11: Bechdel Test (code)
It looks like action, adventure, and comedy movies that passed the Bechdel test have been generally more profitable in recent years. The opposite seems to be true for thrillers.
02/03/2021 Week 10: SuperBowl Ads (code)
I love the look of stream graphs with ggstream, but I'm uneasy with the amount of smoothing going on.
23/02/2021 Week 09: Employment and Earnings (code)
A dumbbell plot is always a good shout for plotting inequalities.
16/02/2021 Week 08: W.E.B. Du Bois Challenge (code)
My attempt at replicating a classic chart from Du Bois for the #DuBoisChallenge.
09/02/2021 Week 07: Wealth and Income (code)
It was a challenge working out how best to visualise this data. I tried to avoid using legends by substituting them with colour coding and labelling.
02/02/2021 Week 06: HBCU Enrollment (code)
Just reminding myself on the basics of geom_text this week.
26/01/2021 Week 05: Plastic Pollution (code)
Of the litter recorded, the Coca-Cola Company has really taken the lead. I couldn't work out how to crop the plot area so I settled with the minimalist look.
19/01/2021 Week 04: Kenya Census (code)
The East-West divide between Christianity and Islam in Kenya. I've never attempted using pie charts (scatterpie) on a map before.
12/01/2021 Week 03: Art Collections (code)
I guess the golden ratio isn't as popular as I'd thought...
05/01/2021 Week 02: Transit Costs Project (code)
First time using ggMarginal (ggExtra) to produce marginal density plots and geom_text_repel (ggrepel) to add labels.
22/12/2020 Week 52: Big Mac Index (code)
First time using geom_flame (heatwaveR) to produce simple area plots and ggtext to alter the subtitle colours.
15/12/2020 Week 51: Ninja Warrior (code)
Experimental first attempt using the arcdiagram package. Obstacle coincidence in same locations in qualifying rounds.