This project simulates bowling games, allowing the user to compute bowling scores.
To launch an interactive prompt to compute the score of a bowling game as it is being played, just launch the
file as following (The user must be located at the root of the project too do so.):
python main_game [player_name]...
If the user provides no name, a single-player game will be launched, using the default name.
To compute the score of an already played bowling game, just launch the main_score
file with the number of
knocked down pins at each throwing (The user must be located at the root of the project too do so):
python main_score [throwing_result]...
For example, to compute the score of a spare, followed by a hole, one can compute the score as following:
python main_score 3 7 5 1
And the script will display the resulting score (21)
To launch the unit tests, just launch the unittest module on the test folder. The user must be located at the root of the project too do so.
python -m unittest discover test