This is the 5th homework for the coding bootcamp
- HTML and CSS and Javascript documents create a day planner with an eight-hour work day
- The task manager aspect saves entries to local storage
- This project emphasizes the use of using Javascript to save and retrieve data from local storage
- This project utilizes the use of moment.js for time calculation and formatting conversion
- A header with local time that updates live
- Seven Input Entries
- A Save button that saves items to local storage
- Attribute changes for hour by hour time tracking
- Gray is past the current hour
- Red is on the current hour
- Green is before the current hour
- Find out of Moment.js needs further installation
- Start with Document onload
- Look up Javscript Calendar, write steps down and find matching Jquery methods
- Variables unknown until step above is complete
** Needs start time
** Needs end time
** Needs current time
** Needs to compare each hour to current time, and determine if it is ** Current time is always going to be more than start time ** Current time is always going to be less than end time ** Difference between the two ** For loop for starting time, it would only be able to loop up to the ending time, then what? ** How can we use moment duration to compare time?
- Moment.js for local time, current time, and time conversion for individual hours
- Appended text to HTML for hour time
- If, if/else statement to compare time with the current time
- Appended attributes for color current time
- An event listener for the save buttons to save to local storage
** Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up) ** Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up) ** Large devices (desktops, 992px and up) ** Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
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