Hey there, I'm Anthony and I'm a Software Engineer. I know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Express, React, Vue, Node, and more, but I'm always looking to learn more about new tools and technologies!
Food Service ➡️ Patient Care Coordinator ➡️ Admissions Consultant ➡️ Software Engineer Intern ➡️ Software Engineer
- Currently working with my local chamber of commerce members, coworking space, and professional network on developing an online community and website (ideation)
- www.BJJIndex.com
- My custom Dot NFC card & Linktree copycat
- Front-end development through HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Vuetify, Vue, & React
- Back-end development using Node.js, Express, & PostgreSQL
- Tools used on projects include npm, Babel, Webpack, Git, GitHub, Argon2, JWT, & multer
- One Year Later: What Do I Do After My Coding Bootcamp?
- Q&A Sessions: Insights for New Software Engineers
- Q&A Sessions: What Do I Do After My Coding Bootcamp?
- I lived in Hanoi, Vietnam for 2 years
- I practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Salsa
- I've trained muay thai in Thailand