National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering(NACME) Google Applied Machine Learning Intensive (AMLI) at the MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY
Developed by:
- Moja Williams -
Morgan State University
- Travis Jones -
Morgan State University
- Teqwon Norman -
Morgan State University
- Emmanuel Lewis -
Morgan State University
User's inboxs are bombarded with spam emails which overpopulate the inbox. In turn it makes it harder for the user to find important emails and attend to them in a timely fashion .Deciphering between legitimate emails and spam is an inherent issue which could lead users missing important information. With in this project we will develop several models (classifiers) to remedy this issue.
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- Go to 'spam and ham ' colab file
- Download 'spam and ham.csv'
ML Classifier comparison on "Spam" email Dataset
Capstone Project Overview
Project title: Testing the efficacy of Neural Networks models on the detection of spam Goals: The project goal is to construct a model that is able to compare the performance of several classifiers accurately based on both accuracy and F1 score. To compare between ‘spam’ or ‘ham’(not spam) in an email inbox.
Intermediate goals: To create a model the is appropriate for the data we are given To reduce the amount of error that may arise due to (bias) To complete the overall project by the deadline. Data Acquisition: Download data set Convert data in to a readable format Exploratory data analysis(repair data,find missing values, etc.) Define targets and column(s) to which to aim for Define features columns that would be based on certain columns from the data Train-test-split the data(30% train, 70%) Create the model we will use to classify Fit model to training data Get predictions for test values Lasty compare all resulting outcomes. Project Roles Emmanuel Lewis: Researcher and logistical support Travis Jones: Code and presenter Teqwon Norman Lead coder and Designer Moja Auditor and second coder
Background information: *SVM or support Vector Machine is a linear model for classification and regression problems. It can solve linear and non-linear problems and work well for many practical problems. The idea of SVM is simple: The algorithm creates a line or a hyperplane which separates the data into classes.
Example of code: from sklearn.svm import SVC clf = SVC( kernel = ‘linear’) clf .fit(X,Y)
prediction=clf.prediction([ [ ] ] )
*Logistic regression Classifier:
Logistic Regression Classifier is a technique used in machine learning. It is used as a logistic function to model the dependent variable. The dependent variable is dichotomous in nature , there could only be two possible classes (yes or no)As a result , this technique is used while dealing with binary data.
Example: #Import the Libraries and read the data into a Pandas DataFrame Import pandas as pd Import numpy as np
df= pdmread_csv(‘ insert file name’)
#clean the data and remove missing data
series= pd.isnull(df[‘ insert target name’])
*Decision Tree Classifier A decision tree is a supervised machine learning algorithm that uses a set of rules to make decisions, similarly to how humans make decisions.
Logic Breakdown Exploratory stage: Load data into colab dataset(name)= pd.read_csv(‘spam_ham.csv) Describe data look for (labels,rows and columns,missing data) dataset.describe() Check for data shape and type dataset.shape() Check for type of data ( integer, words, figures) Check for data flow Plot data histPlotAll(dataset) boxPlotAll(dataset) Cleaning data: Remove duplicate or irrelevant data Fix structural errors Filter unwanted data outliers (streamline data) Handle missing data Drop missing data points Change the value (of missing data points to represent something) Validation Questions to ask after cleaning. Does the data make sense? Does the data follow a pattern or concept Is the data quality appropriate for the required application . Theory behind (Why it is important standardized ) Consistency : This helps with having the same information across all programming . Uniformity : This helps with making sure that all the variables and symbols are the same throughout the data. Conversion : If the is presented Feature Scaling ( Normalization) Create a scale for data (Min Max Scaler) Implementing feature Normalization Satandardize data to allow for scaling Creating / using a preprocessor for sklearn Preprocessing data (model.1) Split data into train(70%) and test (30%) Check for missing values within data df.isna().sum() Convert data back to dataframe Convert features to integers ( check labels of columbs) Website: Create a model (sklearn(decision)) Example: model=DecisionTreeClassifier() #Select algorithm,y_train) #Fit model to the data Predictions = model.predict(X_train) print(accuracy_score(y_train, predictions)) #Check model performance on training data
Preproceeing data (model.2) support Vector Machine is a linear model Preproceeing data (model.3) Logistic Regression Classifier
sc= StandardScalar() X_train = sc.fit_transform(X_train) X_test= sc.treansform(x_test) From sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression #Create classifier LogReg_clf= LogisticRegression(random_state=42),y_train) Code Import #Data manipulation and visualization Import pandas as pd Import numpy as np Import matplotib.pyplot as pyplot
From sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split From sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier From sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score