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Using Neural Networks to Develop a Movie Recommendation System

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering(NACME) Google Applied Machine Learning Intensive (AMLI) at the MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY



This project is practically a movie search engine for movies released before July 2017. We used Neural networks to develop a model that creates a list of 10 recommended movies based off of a users prompted input. It askes the user which movie feature they want to search by, in which they would have to specify the feature(s) they are searching with right after. Then, the model will identify 10 movies in a modified dataframe and listing them from the most similar results to the least.

Model/Neural Network

Basic Neural Network breakdown.(Digital Trends-What is an artificial neural network?)

Neuro Network Designed for movie recommndation.(MDPI-Enhancing Knowledge of Propagation-Perception.)

Our Systems

  • Content Based Design: Uses movie titles as features and creates a list of movies that are similar. Content Based Design

  • Genre Based Design: Takes an input of any movie genre and creates a movie list based on popularity within the genre. Genre Based Design

Project Roles

  • Samuel Adeleye: Project Leader and Auditor. Assigned project goals during the duration of the model development. In charge of creating the Data Folder including all of the datasets used in the project and Design Document that contains a brief overview of the project including the process of developing the model, project goals and the problems we ran into.
  • Jermaine Lennon: Lead Code Designer, in charge of the google colab file. The main contributer to developing and training the model. Looked over the Data Analysis part of the colab making sure there is no missing data and seeing if the model has accurate outputs.
  • Nasir Barnes: Note Taker, taking note of every setback we have during our development process, the progress we made and any changes we decided to make as a group. Took care of our Ethical Considerations and Decision Log which includes documentation of our recognition of any potential bias within our model and every decision that has been made.
  • Antoine Teague: Presentation Designer, in control of making sure every document looks polished and well represented in Github. In charge of creating the PowerPoint presentation and README file that should include the overview of the project and a step by step breakdown on how we completed it.


Antoine Teague: [email protected], Sameul Adeleye: [email protected], Nasir Barnes: [email protected], Jermaine Lennon: [email protected]


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