A thin wrapper around the confluent-kafka-python library. This wrapper allows for dynamic instantiation of Consumer, Producer, and Admin clients based on configurations provided in a config file in YAML or JSON formats.
To install this package, run:
pip install confluent_kafka_config
└── config
└── bootstrap.servers: < host:port >
└── url: < http's://host:port >
consumers < list of dictionaries >
├── name: < some consumer name, random >
├── topic
│ ├── name: < topic name >
│ ├── partitions: < a list of partition numbers to consume from, or leave empty >
│ └── schema_name: < schema name to use with topic >
└── config < confluent_kafka.Consumer conf >
├── bootstrap.servers: < host:port >
├── group.id: < group name >
└── ...
producers < list of dictionaries >
├── name: < some producer name, random >
├── topic
│ ├── name: < topic name >
│ ├── partitions: < a list of partition numbers to produce to, or leave empty >
│ └── schema_name: < schema name to use with topic >
└── config < confluent_kafka.Producer conf >
├── bootstrap.servers: < host:port >
├── acks: < 0, 1, etc. >
└── ...
- Client: Either an instance of ProducerContext or ConsumerContext
A wrapper class that contains all consumers / producers instantiated based on config file. Load ClientPool by calling its class factory function:
from confluent_kafka_config.client_pool import ClientPool
pool = ClientPool.from_config(<path_to_your_config_file>)
# access consumers
#pool.consumers : dict[str, ConsumerContext]
# access producers
#pool.producers: dict[str, ProducerContext]
# get specific consumer by name is pool.consumers[<consumer name>]
# same for producers
# overriden __getitem__ will be implemented in the future: https://github.com/Aragonski97/confluent-kafka-config/issues/15
A wrapper around confluent_kafka.SchemaRegistryClient
that includes the given schema indended for a client specified in config file.
Based on the schema, a function confluent_kafka_config.RegistryContext.create_registered_model
creates a model based on the schema definied in the registry.
This model is used for deserialization and serialization.
A wrapper around confluent_kafka.TopicPartition
class that includes not only the topic name and partitions, but also a registered schema specified in the config file.
A wrapper around confluent_kafka.Consumer
class that includes a given confluent_kafka_config.TopicContext
The function confluent_kafka_config.ConsumerContext.consume
is an exposed version of confluent_kafka.Consumer.consume
which handles some errors.
This error handling will be extensively covered in the future: #17
Almost identical to ConsumerContext, just pertaining confluent_kafka.Producer
A pydantic schema used for loading the config file. Embedded validation, etc.