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I94 Single Source of Truth Data Warehouse

Project Purpose and Scope

Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree Program Capstone Project

Purpose of this project is to create a single source of truth data warehouse to analyze I94 immigration records. We have been provided a variety of datasets including I94 immigration data logs, U.S. cities demographics, travel ports, and approximate temperatures across cities.

Technologies and Tools

Python Spark Redshift S3

  • Apache Spark : Apache spark is chosen since it is the state-of-art computing engine.
  • Amazon Redshift and S3 : Due to working together too well and easy usage, S3 is chosen as a data lake technology while Redshift is as a warehouse.

Data Model



1. Capstone Project Template.ipynb : This file is used to explore, experiment and clean data as well as create the pipeline.
2. I94_SAS_Labels_Descriptions.SAS : Contains column descriptions of immigration files.
3. SAS Data files                  : Provided within Udacity workspace. Month by month I94 immigration log files.
4. dl.cfg                          : Contains access, secret access keys and redshift database configuration information.
5.                          : This file contains the source code of the whole etl process.
6. us-cities-demographics.csv      : Contains information regarding US cities demographics
7. airport-codes_csv.csv           : Provided within Udacity workspace. Contains information regarding airports, heliports and seaplane bases throughout the world.
8. GlobalLandTemperaturesByCity.csv: Provided within Udacity workspace. Contains timestamped temperature information of cities across the world.
9. create_tables.sql               : Contains Amazon Redshift table creation queries.

Data Cleaning and Considerations

  • All the null values have been cleared of datasets.
  • Columns with large amounts of missing values have been removed.
  • Some of the columns that are by no means helpful for the scope of the project are also removed.
  • All duplicates are removed from the final data frames.
  • Only US-related data in the temperatures data are used within the project. The temperature data remaining are averaged and grouped by city.
  • 'municipality' column of port data is treated as city to join port and city data.
  • Ports data is cleaned from non-US records, null iata_code records and 'closed' port type records.

Data Dictionary

Table Field Type Description
fact_immigrations immigrations_id INT4 ID of the immigrant (PK)
fact_immigrations origin INT4 Origin country code of the immigrant
fact_immigrations landing_port VARCHAR IATA code of the landing port of the immigrant
fact_immigrations arrival_date FLOAT8 Arrival date of the immigrant in SAS format
fact_immigrations departure_date FLOAT8 Departure date of the immigrant in SAS format
fact_immigrations arrival_mode INT4 1 ='Air', 2 = 'Sea', 3 = 'Land', 9 = 'Not reported'
fact_immigrations city VARCHAR City where the immigrant will stay
fact_immigrations age INT4 Age of the immigrant
fact_immigrations visa INT4 Visa code: 1 = Business, 2 = Pleasure, 3 = Student
fact_immigrations visatype VARCHAR Class of admission legally admitting the non-immigrant to temporarily stay in U.S.
fact_immigrations gender VARCHAR Gender of the immigrant
- - - -
dim_cities city VARCHAR Name of the city (PK)
dim_cities state VARCHAR Name of the state
dim_cities median_age FLOAT8 Median age of the city
dim_cities male_pop INT4 Male population
dim_cities female_pop INT4 Femala population
dim_cities total_pop INT4 Total population
dim_cities veterans INT4 Number of veterans
dim_cities foreign_born INT4 Number of foreign-borns
dim_cities avg_household_size FLOAT8 City name
- - - -
dim_ports port_id VARCHAR Unique port identifier (PK)
dim_ports name VARCHAR Name of the port
dim_ports city VARCHAR City where port is in
dim_ports type VARCHAR Airport, heliport or seaplane base
dim_ports iata_code VARCHAR IATA code of the port
dim_ports iso_region VARCHAR State code where the port is in
- - - -
dim_temperatures city VARCHAR City name (PK)
dim_temperatures avg_temp FLOAT8 Average temperature
dim_temperatures avg_temp_uncertainty FLOAT8 Average temperature uncertainty
- - - -
dim_time sas_timestamp FLOAT8 Timestamp in SAS format (PK)
dim_time year INT4 year
dim_time month INT4 month
dim_time day INT4 day
dim_time week INT4 week number of the sas_timestamp
dim_time weekday INT4 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, 3=Tuesday, 4=Wednesday, 5=Thursday, 6=Friday, 7=Saturday

What If...

  • The data was increased by 100x ?

    Even in current situation, whole ETL process takes too long and its usage on a narrow schedule may not be meaningful. Thats why only the first 3 months of dataset is used. If the data is to be increased by 100x and the remaining months of data are to be added, it is highly recommended to use an EMR cluster with multiple nodes (or similar tech) to improve performance.

  • The pipelines would be run on a daily basis by 7 am every day ?

    Apache Airflow would be an excellent choice to run the ETL on a daily basis. DAG should be configured as follow:

    schedule_interval='0 7 * * *'
  • The database needed to be accessed by 100+ people ?

    Amazon Redshift can handle 100+ users easily.


To execute the project, the following steps must be done in order:

  1. Create a redshift cluster in us-west-2 region and enable public accessibility.
  2. Execute the table creation commands in create_tables.sql file.
  3. Fill the dl.cfg file according to cluster settings.
  4. Create an S3 bucket in us-west-2 region and set the 'output_data' variable in to the bucket name.
  5. Get your coffee and run on terminal.

Some example queries

Once the etl process is completed, Redshift query editor can be used to analyze data. Below are some example queries:

  1. Get ID, age and arrival day of the month of the immigrants who used Orlando Executive Airport and younger than 5 years old
select immigration_id,immig.age,
from fact_immigrations immig join dim_time dimt on immig.arrival_date = dimt.sas_timestamp
where immig.age < 5 and immig.landing_port = 'ORL'


  1. How old is the oldest immigrant?
SELECT age FROM fact_immigrations ORDER BY age DESC LIMIT 1


  1. Get port types used by immigrants in order
SELECT ports.type as port_type, COUNT(*) as total
FROM fact_immigrations immig JOIN dim_ports ports ON = AND immig.landing_port = ports.iata_code
GROUP BY  ports.type


  1. Top 5 popular cities amongst immigrants
SELECT city, count(*)
FROM fact_immigrations


  1. What day of the week do the immigrants prefer coming to the US? (1=Sunday, ... ,7=Saturday)
SELECT dimt.weekday as arrival_day, count(*)
FROM fact_immigrations immig JOIN dim_time dimt ON immig.arrival_date = dimt.sas_timestamp
GROUP BY dimt.weekday
ORDER BY arrival_day ASC



Arda Aras


I94 Single Source of Truth Data Warehouse







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