- Pull yesterday's NASDAQ stock data from
- Write raw data to S3
- This bucket shall be created with boto3 - Trigger this event daily with AWS Lambda and CloudWatch
- After NASDAQ normal trading session which is between 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
- Daily running AWS Glue crawler to catalog data
- AWS Athena for raw data analysis and exploration
yfinance API (, AWS S3, Lambda, CloudWatch, Glue, Athena
1. Source/ : Entry point and actual ETL performer using other files in the repository.
2. Source/ : AWS infrastructure (as a code) functions.
3. Source/ : Column names (for future analysis) and NASDAQ stocks dictionary reside in this file.
4. Source/dl.cfg : Contains access, secret access keys and redshift database configuration information.
5. config.cfg : Contains keys, bucket name and region information to be used within the project.
6. requirements.txt : Contains libraries used.
7. 2023-09-22.csv : Sample NASDAQ stock data fetched on 22 Sept 2023.